Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Resident star-gazer, Christie Craft, is back for the peak of summer, and she’s brought a slew of intense forecasts for the could-be tumultuous month ahead. Read this month’s general overview right here, before seeing what in store from your personal reading, below. -JKM
Summer is in full swing in July, and though we may not quite be mired in the sweltering heat of the dog days just yet, this month proves to be just as sticky. With two eclipses and a mess of five planets—Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, and later on, Mercury—in retrograde at any given time this month, every sign of the zodiac is faced with their own unique challenges and setbacks. That all may sound intimidating and mysterious, but rest assured July will be a month of exponential growth and deep development as each planetary movement turns a specific key of our individual and collective consciousness.
Venus—one of the only planets not stumbling through a retrograde period this summer—tires of dramatic Leo’s constant party, opting to shift into practical earth sign Virgo on July 9. The luxe ruler of love, money, and glamour will stay firmly rooted here until August 6, receiving a heaping dose of meticulously logical energy impacting our attitudes on romance, finance, and self-care. Though Venus is an indulgent planet, we’re far more selective and strategic about how time, energy, and money is invested when in Virgo. Relationships tend to be mutually beneficial and somewhat political during this cycle, luxury purchases are carefully considered, and personal upkeep focuses more on longevity, health, and wellness than on superficiality.
The real headline news of July is made by Jupiter, King of the Planets and ruler of philosophy, luck, and abundance. This planetary powerhouse has been grinding through a lengthy retrograde cycle in psychologically intense Scorpio since March 8, bringing development and growth to a creaking halt for all 12 signs. On July 10, Jupiter will finally begin to rise from its five-month slumber and move forward once again. From now until November, all signs will map significant progress in many areas of life, trading an overall gloomy outlook for one of integral gratitude and abundance. Focus on the good over the bad and anything’s truly possible with benevolent Jupiter in your corner.
July is bookended by two eclipses, beginning with a new moon and partial solar eclipse in sensitive, watery Cancer on July 12. Eclipse cycles are jolting periods of chaos and crisis with the ultimate goal of shaking out dead ends, so new growth can eventually prosper. These phases are positive on a deep level, but often don’t feel like it in the moment. Emotional security will be tested, thanks to this lunation’s sharp angle to control freak Pluto, especially when it comes to family ties and home. Small matters may be magnified at this time, but be wise in choosing how you react; don’t let small tides drag you under when there may be a tsunami on the horizon.
The sun drifts away from emotional Cancer and into dazzling fire sign Leo on July 22, just days before Mercury begins its three-week retrograde also in Leo. Most signs may feel drained or depleted by July 26, despite the Sun’s position in such a vital, ambitious sign. No matter how inspired we may be, initiating new plans, signing agreements, or counting on anything permanent is a major no-no with the messenger planet of communication, technology, and everyday information traveling backward. This is all the more compounded by Mars, planet of action and desire, remaining in retrograde through late August. You’ll need to wait until late next month—or September, if possible—to move forward.
The most pivotal event in the entire month is the late-occurring second eclipse of July, a total lunar eclipse and full moon in Aquarius, the sign of innovation and rebellion, on July 27. Tense and frustrating, this lunation will be afflicted by caustic angles to both Uranus—Aquarius’ shifty, unpredictable ruler—and a hot-headed but de-fanged Mars in retrograde. All this cosmic activity forms an explosive trigger point, causing emotions to flare and carefully orchestrated events to fly off the rails. Stepping back and focusing on calm solitude and self-care will be vital to getting through the emotional end of the month, no matter your sign. Ultimately, relinquishing control and letting the Universe work itself out may be your only option until September replenishes a sense of sanity and centeredness.
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