L.A. Mama & Designer Anine Bing
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photographed by Nicki Sebastian
If you are a lover of fashion, you will appreciate this first-hand look into designer-mama Anine Bing’s incredibly inspiring lifestyle—and her drool-worthy closet! Here, the laid back mother-of-two (daughter Bianca, 5, and son Benjamin, 3) shows us around one of her nine, beautifully executed store fronts and her equally gorgeous 1920’s California home. Click into our slideshow below and read up on her views on building a successful business, personal style, and the joys of motherhood.
- “I’m the Founder and Creative Director at Anine Bing.”
“It’s a contemporary women’s brand that uses a ‘see now—buy now’ approach, meaning that we have stepped away from traditional seasons and we work with monthly collections, adding new styles every month. The aesthetic is simple but with an edge, and the look is a combination of rock n’ roll and bohemian-chic.”
Anine wears Anine Bing.
- “I’m Danish, but grew up in Sweden with my parents and my four siblings. I started working as a model when I was fifteen and have been in the fashion industry ever since.”
- “There are so many pieces that I’m in love with. I love the glamorous vibe the collections have. One of my favorite pieces are the Jane Boots in gold. They add so much coolness and personality to any outfit.”
- “I get inspired from everyday life. Flea markets, travel, and street style. I also love watching old movies and going through magazines.”
“That no day is the same, that there is always a new angle that can be taken, and that we’re constantly developing.”
Anine wears Anine Bing.
- “We opened the first store here in L.A. in August 2014.”
- “I love being able to combine motherhood with having a career. For me and my family, it works really well. I like to be able to show my kids that nothing comes for free and that you have to work for the things you want in life.”
- “I’m not sure there is this ‘perfect balance’ that we’re all striving for. However, I’ve learned to be more focused when I’m at work and be present when I’m with my kids. Running your own business means that you’re never completely off, but it also means that you can schedule your own agenda, which helps.”
- “That’s one of the hardest parts, I think. I really don’t like leaving the kids, but sometimes it is necessary that I travel. Of course, it’s fun, too, but I try to keep it to a couple trips a year. When I do travel, I make sure to keep a super busy schedule to get the most out of it.”
- “We’ve gone through several stages where I’ve felt we’ve reached some significant milestones. Opening my first store was definitely one of them, and this fall when we opened our 9th store in under two years, it felt like we had come a long way.”
- “There’s always a lot happening at Anine Bing. Right now, we’ve just finished up working on the spring collection and we’re just about to shoot the campaign for three collections. I love that creative side of the business.”
- “Work hard and stay true to your vision. Set clear goals and work toward them everyday.”
- “I honestly don’t shop. I only wear my own brand and I only design pieces that I would love to wear, myself.”
- We'll take one of each, please!
“I love the vibe and how open-minded people are here in L.A. And the weather, of course.”
Anine wears Anine Bing.
- “It’s a beautiful house built in the 1920’s. We’ve lived here for three years. I love the house, it’s history, and the garden surrounding it.”
- “My overall motto has always been 'less is more'. When it comes to decorating, I stay true to this. However, I always like to add vintage pieces to make sure it doesn't become too sterile. I love a clean bohemian vibe, and I always make sure to have fresh flowers and scented candles at home.”
- “It’s a combination of Scandinavian simplicity and a bohemian vibe. I love going to flea markets and collecting little gems. I really think they add personality and a bit of history to the aesthetic.”
- “I’m in love with the photographs by Terry O’Neill, especially the one of Brigitte Bardot. In regards to furniture, I’m a big fan of Danish design. However, my favorite piece is our Barcelona daybed designed by German architect Mies van der Rohe.”
- “No, not really. We have decorated their rooms in colors they like, but we have kept the interior true to our own personal taste.”
- “Our library. I love the vibe in there—the windows are just beautiful. This is where I keep my desk. I love to sit there and have my morning coffee with the French doors out to our garden open.
- “Bianca’s room is very girly with quite a lot of pink. Benjamin's room is a typical boy room full of trains, trucks, and ninjas—he is a big fan!”
“I love the vintage rug in Bianca’s room. It’s a shaded blush color that I just love. And, the teepee is super cute.”
Anine wears Anine Bing. Bianca wears a dress from Little Mini.
- “All of their toys. And, Bianca loves her dresses!”
- “The kids have their own rooms along with a playroom where they can roam free, play, and be creative. To be honest, though, we are pretty relaxed. They can play wherever they want in the house.”
- “I’ve always loved Bianca and my husband felt the same. When Benjamin was born, he just felt like a little Benjamin.”
- “I love Bianca’s sense of humor. She really is a character and she makes me laugh every single day. She is so outgoing and sweet to everyone around her. Benjamin is a bit more reserved and I love that about him. He knows what he likes and stays true to who he is. His integrity inspires me. Lately, he has turned into the most loving, little cuddly mama’s boy and all he wants to do in the morning and at night before bed is to cuddle with me. It’s so cozy!”
- “Being a mother is the biggest blessing. There is nothing I love more than being a mother. Seeing these two little people grow and develop their own unique personalities is so rewarding. Before I had kids it was hard to understand how deep the love for your children can be. It’s so strong, intense, and implicit. My life with kids is definitely a lot more hectic. I always struggle with having enough time, especially since I run my own business at the same time. But, the reward is by far bigger than any sacrifice. It’s hard to remember having a life without them in it.”
- “How natural it all is. How your instincts are just there from the minute they’re born and how pure the love is for them.”
“Just watching them grow and being part of their development is exciting. No day is the same, really.”
Benjamin wears a tank from Spritely Kids and shorts from Petibo.
- “The world we live in. I feel there has been a clear shift since a few years ago. I’m scared of where we’re heading and how that will affect our children’s lives. I also get super nervous when I have to travel without them. I’d prefer to be with my kids 24/7.”
- “Loving, calm, and open-minded. I’m not sure if it's because I’m Scandinavian, but I feel super relaxed and I don’t ever create a crazy schedule for my kids. I go with the flow.”
- “The similarity is our love for motherhood. My mom had five children and would have continued having more if she could. We both loved the baby stages and being pregnant. Our differences are many, though. My mom was a kindergarten Waldorf teacher, which means she was great in so many ways. We grew up eating super healthy organic foods, didn’t watch TV, and the whole lifestyle was very down-to-earth. My kids are growing up in LA, which has such a different vibe to it. I wish I was as dedicated as my mom when it comes to cooking healthy food and sticking to no TV, but I am a bit more relaxed on all that.”
- “We wake up and start the day with some breakfast. My kids love smoothies, so I always make them one and on the weekends we often add a small little treat. After breakfast we move into the library where we usually end up singing and dancing. Bianca loves to use the chaise lounge as her stage and perform for the rest of the family. The farmer’s market in our neighborhood is great, so on the weekends we usually go for a walk to Larchmont to shop for fresh berries and flowers. We also make sure to visit our favorite bagel spot to have breakfast. Since our lives are so hectic with work during the weekdays, we prefer just to stay home during the weekend, relaxing and playing in the garden, and during the summer, the kids swim in the pool.”
- “I have so many strong women in my network that inspire me on a daily basis. My sister, my best friends, my own mother. I’m very lucky that way!”
- “Always make room for a date nights. Go out for a mellow dinner and talk about things that don’t necessarily relate to your children. And, give each other some space, too.”
- “It’s quite simple. I never go to bed without having washed my face. I use a great moisturizer and an eye cream to keep my skin hydrated. I don’t use too much make up, just a tinted moisturizer, some cream blush, and mascara. For nights out, I add some eye shadow to create a smoky eye.”
- “Less is more. I love denim with a great leather jacket and a cool pair of boots.”
- “No, not at all, actually.”
- “A great leather jacket is a must, along with a well-fitting pair of jeans. A couple of nice knits and a good handbag will take you a long way.”
- “I collect vintage Chanel bags, so I’m always looking around for a new one to add to my collection.”
“Jeans, boots, and a t-shirt.”
Anine wears Anine Bing.
- “A pair of leather pants with a nice pump. A simple tee with jewelry and a nice handbag to accessorize with.”
- “This is a difficult one. I’m a big fan of what Coco Chanel did for women’s fashion.”
- “I believe in having a balance in life. I eat healthy, but I never say no to desserts and treats. I love a green juice, but also a glass of champagne now and then.”
- “You know your own child the best, so don’t listen to everyone’s advise too much. You will know what’s best for your child.”
- “Prepare yourself for an even more hectic life. One is easy. Two is a handful, but also amazing. Bianca and Benjamin are best friends. They can play together for hours. It’s so sweet to see the love they have for each other.”
- Like mother, like daughter.
- “Yes, I believe I do. With that said, my husband and I don’t have any relatives living here, which leaves us to build up a support system with friends. But, we have lived there for almost 12 years now, so I feel like we’re getting there.”
- “I honestly haven’t read any parenting books. I talk to my sister and my friends, and so far that has worked really well. I am the go-with-the-flow-and-learn-by-doing kind of person when it comes to most things in life. People often comment on how relaxed I am as a mom. I think part of it is because I haven’t read 20 different books. I just listen to my own inner voice.”
- “Cooking, for sure. It’s not my strong suit. My husband would definitely like that.”
- “Pasta with butter! I love it. Also, just stepping out to any of the restaurants close to us. L.A. is so great that way.”
- “We love hanging out in our neighborhood, but also taking them to the beach. Malibu is a favorite of ours.”
- “No, I honestly don’t think so.”
- “Never say never, but not right now. I would love one more at some point. I just have to get my husband onboard! Maybe in a few years.”
- For more on Anine and her family, follow her on Instagram.
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