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August 2021 Horoscopes

Written by Christie Craft


It’s horoscope time! Check out what’s in store for you this month by reading through the larger themes of these August 2021 horoscopes below, then clicking into your specific sign in our slideshow.

Passion Plays
High summer is in full effect in August! The lusty solar-focused creativity of the season is undeniable with a passionate Leo new moon kicking off the month on August 8. Live life to the absolute hilt this month!

Venus enters balanced Libra on August 16, feeling right at home in one of her two signs of rulership. The atmosphere around love and partnership will be one of grace, rather than frustration for most signs. This energy will also likely permeate your social life, adding more social balance to our overall outlook.

Erratic Uranus, planet of rebellion and sudden change, calms down a bit, moving retrograde in Taurus on August 19. The chaos will finally seem to quell—at least for a few months—as you process any sudden or shocking life changes you experienced in 2021.

An Aquarius full moon rounds out the month on August 22, with the possibility of bringing joyful and long-awaited culmination to a major personal aspiration. We may also be especially focused on humanitarian issues and looking into the future with empathy and compassion. Look out for your fellow human now—it will come back in spades.

August Legend:
August 8: New moon in Leo
August 11: Mercury enters Virgo
August 16: Venus enters Libra
August 19: Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus
August 22: Full moon in Aquarius
August 30: Mercury enters Libra

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