Meet Ebi Founder and Boston Mama Breighl Robbins
Written by Erin Feher
Photography by Victoria Gloria
After reading today’s profile, any brand-new mama will want to give Breighl Robbins a great big hug. The Boston-based mother of one founded Ebi, a line of nuturing, plant-based postpartum care products, from all-over oil to soothing tisane tea to right-after-baby undies that are a million times more lovely than those hospital-issued mesh numbers. For Breighl, who has long worked in the health and wellness space, the paltry offerings for new mothers became glaringly apparent after the birth of her daughter (sweet little just-turned-three Phyllis!). She started her own company shortly after, with the aim not only to support healthy postpartum experiences for all, but to advocate for modern society to prioritize mothers far more than it currently does. She shows us around her beautiful Boston abode and talks everything from why parenting books aren’t her thing, to what she thinks the COVID-19 crisis should teach us as a species. Check out the full tour and interview below!
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