Congresswoman Tees By Kira Kids x Carolyn Suzuki
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Want to wear an extremely cute mommy-&-me look with a killer give-back mission? Look no further than the latest collaboration between artist (and mother of two) Carolyn Suzuki and S.F.-based apparel brand Kira Kids. The duo just debuted an exclusive new Congresswomen tee, which features 11 members of the freshmen class, including sheros Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley—a.k.a. “The Squad.”
100% of the proceeds of the tees (which are $39 for kids and $48 for adults) will benefit the extraordinary nonpartisan non-profit She Should Run, which promotes leadership and encourages women from all walks of life to run for office.
While the t-shirt has been in the works for a little while now, its release comes at an especially intense time, thanks to President Trump’s racist comments earlier this week which attacked “The Squad.”
Suzuki explains: “When I read what Trump said to our freshman congresswoman, ‘…Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came…’ I got that same lump in my throat I used to get whenever a kid would say ‘go back to China!’ on the playground (my parents are from Japan, but I was born in Los Angeles). The idea that looking different was somehow un-American was pretty acceptable in those days, especially to little kids. But for the 73 year old ‘leader’ of our great nation in 2019, to tell 4 elected leaders who are very much as American as he, to leave their homeland because they dare to want better for ALL of us is unfathomable. Our right to openly critique our country is one of the most beautiful parts of American Democracy.”
To support the t-shirt and She Should Run, head over to Kira Kids to pre-order your tees.
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