Mom Boss: The Mamas Behind The Cult Velvet Shoe Brand Fifi Venezia
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photography by Carolyn Ruiz
You’d be hard pressed not have heard of the eye-catching, velveteen shoes quickly taking the internet by storm in today’s Momboss feature. It seems as though these colorful slippers and slides are slowly making their ascent into artisan shopping domination—we’ve even featured them in a number of round-ups here on Mother. All the same, allow us to introduce you to the beautifully hand-crafted, Venetian footwear brand, Fifi Venezia. Founded by two powerhouse mamas, Kim Fox and Lynn Pyle (one, a mother of two and the other, a single mom of four), Fifi Venezia is an elevated brand all its own. Click through our gallery below, where the two footwear experts talk 20+ years of career transformation, working with family, and how the idea for Fifi came to be.
“After graduating from college in communications, I decided to pursue a job in the entertainment industry. Seven years later, after taking a stab at production and casting, I decided to make a drastic change. The next five years, I worked at Williams Sonoma in a field I was passionate about. I threw myself into the world of food and cooking, then slowly started to branch away from retail and started Capers catering in the mid ‘80s. Becoming my own boss was something I really enjoyed, and I felt my creativity start to evolve. After catering for a few years, I opened Fox’s Fine Foods before creating Fifi Venezia.” -Kim
“I’m a native Southern Californian, and I’m the middle sister of three girls. I graduated from the University of Southern California, and was married for 15 years. I am now a single mother of four grown kids. I had a 20-year career in fashion that I left in the mid ’90s to raise my children. And, I was actually an independent contractor sales representative for Ralph Lauren accessories.” -Lynn
- "We are the cofounders of Fifi Venezia, a handmade Italian shoe company.” -Kim
“I love food, shoes, and people, and two years ago, I was ready to move on. I was inspired to start Fifi because I was in love with the beautiful velvet shoes that I was introduced to twenty years ago in Venice. My first thought was to copy them in China or Mexico, then I realized that the artesian craft and the history that was attached to the shoes needed to be shared with the masses. I love working with a partner, so I begged Lynn to come on board with me for this adventure.” -Kim
“It was at a time in my life where I wanted to do something that moved me. I loved the story and the world travel aspect of the shoe. I decided it was a manageable concept to get involved with, and off I went.” -Lynn
- “I like learning about and being a part of the marketing and branding side of our company. It's been fascinating to learn all the ins and outs of online sales through social media, web, e-commerce, Facebook, gifting influencers, and more. The pace is fast and exciting! I also love the worldliness of the Fifi brand—the connection to Venice and the authenticity of the product.” -Lynn
“I was the owner of a gourmet food company for 15 years, then I raised my family.” -Kim
“Besides my 20-year career as a sales representative for Ralph Lauren, I have been raising my four children in the very robust family town of Newport Beach, California. I am now an empty nester. I regularly play golf, travel, spend time with friends and family, and support several causes, usually those that involve family, children, and women.” -Lynn
- “I’ve always been an ideas person; I want to put ideas into play. If I get passionate about something, I can imagine its success! I watch Shark Tank religiously, and like the idea of running with a concept, but understanding the risk and hard work it takes to get there.” -Lynn
- “Following your gut instincts is the best way to help you make decisions. Your gut also knows that people want to help you be successful. Always ask questions and get advice. Don’t let your ego get involved and convince you that you know everything. I have learned so much from asking others. People really want to help, and they are flattered to be able to share their knowledge.” -Kim
- “Go for it! Everything always falls into place. You never want to ask the question, ‘If I had done that, where would I be today?’ Everything you do is a stepping stone to another adventure in your life, and that is so exciting.” -Kim
- “Don’t try to be an expert in everything. Surround yourself with knowledgeable people who can help you in your areas of weakness. Know your strengths and surrender to the experts for other parts of the project.” -Kim
“You never really know what your exact roles are going to be when you start a business. It has become quite clear that both Lynn and I are mombosses. Lynn is an aesthetic genius, and I have the gift of gab with our customers. We always back each other in decisions because we know our strengths.” -Kim
“A momboss is a mom who is running a business and being a mother—a mom who is turning what she loves into a business, and inspiring her kids to know that they can do and be anything they want.” -Lynn
- “All the moms out there that are doing what they love, while reaping the benefits!” -Lynn
- The Canal Slide in Blue.
- And, gorgeous packaging to match!
“Being a mom and having a career forced me to do something entrepreneurial again. It has pushed me to create a realistic schedule, and has been really important in teaching my children that following your passion is the key to happiness and success. It has been a teaching moment for both myself and my kids.” -Kim
“With technology moving as fast as it does, adult children have been a godsend. They are helpful in every aspect of the business.” -Lynn
- “At this stage of my life, the balance is easy! Raising young kids and working 20 years ago was not as common as it is now.” -Lynn
- Team meetings with iced coffee and lattes in hand.
“I really didn’t have a maternity leave. When you have your own business, it's tough to say you’ll be back in six weeks so, I just had a good assistant.” -Kim
“I ran my own schedule, so I would take approximately two weeks off.” -Lynn
- Like mother, like daughter!
- “A typical work day begins by checking my emails and unravelling what needs to be done. I then feed Bentley, my Labradoodle, pour an iced coffee, take my joint support, and fly out to spin, bar method, or pilates. Working out is my salvation, and I plan my day in that hour. Feeling on my game, I then tackle kid and customer issues. Packing my shipments is a joy of mine. A handwritten note goes with every order welcoming our customers to the Fifi family.” -Kim
- “How much fun we have and how much satisfaction it gives us.” -Lynn
- “This is the trickiest part of our business because dealing with Italy and the language barrier can make it quite challenging. We just try to stay on top of our orders and inventory, and have a very honest and open line of communication with all our customers.” -Kim
- “Essentials include our Wednesday round-up meeting. Everyone arrives at 2:00 p.m. and a large iced coffee with dripping foam is poured for all who attend. There are usually five key people, and we bring our laptops, phones, and a folder with ideas and issues. It is essential to have our team of young minds, as they are key in generating new ideas. If the meeting goes past five, we conclude with an Aperol spritz, or a nice glass of wine.” -Kim
- “Passion, creativity, and a strong work ethic.” -Kim
- “I love competition in our business, and I loved it in the food industry. It’s a back-scratching philosophy for me: I’ll scratch your back and you scratch mine—the more the merrier. It somehow keeps us on our toes and reminds us the importance in staying true to who we are and what we are selling.” -Kim
- “I remember how special the shoes are, and how much I’ve enjoyed the whole process.” -Lynn
“We have no set uniform, but we usually are all wearing Fifis because why not?” -Kim
“Jeans, Fifis, and cashmere!” -Lynn
- Lynn's Newport abode, where the Fifi Venezia home office is located.
- “Yes, because we work from home. When I travel, it comes with me. I do leave the shipping behind, of course. And, we have a great support team to cover that part. I feel that I have a relationship with all my customers, so I rarely am completely out of touch.” -Kim
- “I believe it is a difficult balance to juggle both career and motherhood, but I do think if you get the right care or accommodations, it can work beautifully and that moms shouldn’t worry so much.” -Lynn
- “We have a great support system in Newport. The most beautiful store in the world, Amaree’s, is located here. They not only were very supportive when we had the idea to import Fifis, but they also guided us down the path to selling and marketing them.” -Kim
- “I think being organized and inclusive is the key to the balancing act.” -Kim
- “I think the hardest challenges stem from the questions, ‘When do we take this cottage business to a higher level?' and 'How do we expand appropriately with product, money, and employees?' With both my businesses, that has been the scariest move. I feel it is important to surround yourself with experts. You must drop your ego, and let the experts guide you to that point of expanding. Also, be on the same page as your partner.” -Kim
- “First and foremost, social media. Having young minds surrounding us like Kirby, Mary Lynn, and my daughter McCall are really our best sources in keeping up-to-speed on what is trending. Myrna is our tech person who keeps us in check with all budgets and technology. We also run a lot of things by Dawn and Denise, owners of Amaree’s.” -Kim
- “We have been working on luxury that will be an absolute hit with our darling, velvet beauties.” -Kim
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