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Hatch Launches Pregnancy Munchies Collection

Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano

Photography by Photos Via Mouth.com

Hungry, pregnant mamas? We thought so! And now there’s a new snack pack just for you, curated by Hatch Collection‘s (currently preggers) designer Ariane Goldman.

The pioneering “maternity” brand partnered with indie food site Mouth.com for a set of munchies packs all geared towards new mamas and mamas-to-be.The Pregnancy Survival Kit includes pickes, sour candy, and mocktail supplies, the Cravings Every Month packs deliver goodies all along your bump-y journey, the New Baby Taster comes with treats like popcorn, crackers, granola, and energy bars for the brand-new mother, and the Back in the Saddle collection is filled with special sweets and standout snacks for a date night in with your honey, girlfriends, or yourself!

Interested? The Hatch Cravings at Mouth.com treat deliveries range from $75 to $200. Fill your baby belly up here.

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