What Does It Mean To Be (And Raise) A Boy?
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Photo Via NYMag
There have been countless books and articles written about how to raise girls in an empowering way. But what about boys? The canon, as it currently stands, is a whole lot smaller. But the most recent issue of New York Magazine is aiming to put the topic in the forefront of culture, with its current cover story How To Raise A Boy, which is broken down into the following 20+ articles (+ videos). In our current era of Trump, #MeToo, horrific school shootings (predominantly committed by young men), and a widening education gap between girls and boys, we suggest taking a bite into this whole feast of food for thought below.
7 Insights From Social Science About Raising A Boy by Melissa Dahl
What Should I Teach My Sons? by Will Leitch
What Black Panther Means To My Black Son by James Peterson
Navigating the World of Boys When You’re Gender Nonconforming
Raise Your Son to Be a Good Man, Not a “Real” Man by Michael Kimmel
Porn, Condoms, and Consent: Talking to Boys About Sex
What Aggression Really Means To Boys
The Moment I Decided to Throw Out My Son’s Toy Weapons by Rachael Combe
How I Raised 5 Sons to Respect Women
The Joyful Dancing Boys of Instagram by Madison Malone Kircher
My Son Loves Guns by Alden Jones
Boys Often Don’t Recognize When They’ve Been Sexually Assaulted by Peggy Orenstein
What I Learned From Being a Daughter Raised Like a Son by Laurie Abraham
How Mothers Talk to Their Sons About Race
Teenage Brothers on Sex, Social Media, and What Their Parents Don’t Understand
A College Student Explains Modern Dating to His Mother
After My Son Lost His Dad, He Found Baseball by Lisa Chase
What Kids Think About Emotions, Aggression, Stereotypes, and Consent
I Keep Talking To My Son. Are We Hearing Each Other? by Stella Bugbee
Playing Video Games With My Son Isn’t What I Thought It Would Be by David Cole
The Stories My Sons & I Share by Ed Park
What Happened After My College Found Me Guilty of Sexual Misconduct
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