Written by Christie Craft
Happy New Year! To kick off 2018, we’re starting off with a fresh round of horoscopes. Read what the stars have in store for January with a general overview right here, before clicking into your personal sign for a more detailed forecast in our gallery below. -JKM
Before a crawling caterpillar can become a completely different being, this creature must first distill down their physical form into mush, practically blending up their insides behind the privacy of a cocoon. Consider 2017 a chrysalis period, a mixed bag of evolution—some signs won big, some sharply defeated at times, and yet others harnessing the year’s mish-mash energy to burn up fallow landscapes and proactively begin sowing new seeds for future harvests. Ready or not, here comes another New Year. Much like the caterpillar’s final grace, 2018 is growing some very strong, capable wings.
The transformative cycle of rebirth will remain ever present in 2018, emphasizing true metamorphosis beginning with January’s serendipitous Full Super Moon in emotionally driven Cancer on New Year’s Day. Luna sits on her swollen throne in her watery home sign, conjoining powers with Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Scorpio—two planets occupying the signs they individually rule, conjuring an immensely potent and rare Grand Water Trine. Everyone, but especially Water and Earth signs, along with those whose charts are dominated by these elements, is compelled to begin 2018 by cracking open hearts like champagne. Let these first emotional instincts guide your intentions of the coming year.
Releasing mental and emotional strongholds that’ve been built up over the last year is essential to future development. Evolution-driven Pluto will join the party, too, gently tearing away the dead skin of 2017 to reveal a beautiful new surface. Don’t worry: This serpentine peel won’t hurt a single bit or cause much discomfort, as long as you don’t resist the changes. That Grand Water Trine will act as a soothing balm to heal any wounds that might’ve been dwelling under the surface.
On January 2, planetary rebel Uranus will break retrograde and move direct through the final degrees of headstrong Aries, further shaking up the atmosphere. An urgent desire for personal liberation may be strong (especially for Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio). You’ll certainly want to unapologetically “do you,” but don’t let this craving for freedom become a bulldozer. Smashing up values is to be expected around January 13 through 15 when Uranus squares off with the Sun in the final degrees of responsible Capricorn. The businesslike Capricorn New Moon (January 16) makes a final square to electric Uranus, adding to this destructive energy. Be very delicate; after this phase passes, you could realize how reckless your behavior has been for little to no payoff.
Still, the Capricorn New Moon delivers glistening energy to your ambitions, pumping most signs (particularly the Earth and Water signs) with newfound determination. Taskmaster Saturn began moving through Cap, the planet’s home sign, late in December and will continue to make the trek through 2018. The combination of Saturn’s will and this New Moon may place new and frustrating limitations weighing down your buoyancy that you will need to learn to live with and navigate around. There’s no shirking reality—or responsibility—now. Breaking rules and rolling eyes at convention is not the way to go, unless you’re a glutton for punishment.
January comes to a close with an explosive grand finale in the form of a Lunar Eclipse in Leo, literally blowing the lid off of secrets, lies, and venomous intentions. This Full Moon will be the second of the month, making this lunation a “Blue Moon,” shining a powerful floodlight on what has been obscured and totally unseen for much of the month. Remember: Eclipses force us over hurdles we aren’t sure we can handle, forcing permanent changes beyond our control. There’s no looking back.
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