June 2020 Horoscopes

It’s horoscope time! Check out what’s in store for you this month by reading through the larger themes of these June 2020 horoscopes below, then clicking into your specific sign in our slideshow.
The Domino Effect
June’s astrology simultaneously casts a shadow and beams a bright light on the limitations restricting us from living fully liberated lives. Two major eclipses bookend the month, breaking down certain parts of ourselves in order to build up and re-fortify us in new ways. A personal ascension is at hand as one astrological event directly impacts the next.
The Domino effect is kicked off by a full moon and lunar eclipse in freedom-loving Sagittarius on June 5. This eclipse-full moon combo calls attention to what’s weighing us down—or even barricading us from realizing our highest potential. Feelings of powerlessness, uncertainty, and anger about the direction of our lives permeate this frustrating lunation. Ultimately, identifying and kicking out dysfunctional and toxic elements will be the only way to make forward progress.
Our emotional response as individuals may be tested when Mercury retrogrades through tender Cancer from June 18 to July 12. Communication within the family could become prickly, so take care to speak calmly and intentionally. Expect old issues to resurface connected to your relatives and home.
If the first half of the month is dedicated to making space in our lives, the second half is dedicated to assessing that space and dreaming up a new use. On June 21, a solar eclipse and new moon in empathetic Cancer invites us to look at ourselves with fresh eyes. We have a powerful opportunity for emotional fulfillment in June’s final eclipse. Be kind to yourself and allow your imagination to explore fantastical possibilities.
Stability returns to love and finances when Venus turns direct on June 25. We will want to start executing our dream lives immediately—especially after June 27, when Mars comes home to fire sign Aries. Still, the smartest move is to embrace this month as an ideation phase, rather than taking action. Seeking stillness and peace is the best way to mitigate the confusing and often sensitive waters of late June.
June 2020 Legend
June 5: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
June 18: Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
June 20: Sun enters Cancer
June 21: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer
June 23: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
June 25: Venus Retrograde ends in Gemini
June 27: Mars enters Aries
June 30: Jupiter conjunct Pluto
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Thank you for sharing the horoscope of June.
I said last night that I have been experiencing confusion, cloudiness in my decisions about myself and the people that surround me. Thank you for this clarification. My I Am Taurus and my Venus is in Gemini which is why I have been feeling the intensity of this retrograde.Thank you for the clarity.