Inside Kendra Smoot’s Dreamy Home (& Life)
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Photographed by Maria Del Rio
If we could step into another mother’s shoes for a day—or seven—we might just slip into those of stylist Kendra Smoot. Not only would they be a mighty fine pair of kicks, the life of the mother of two (Stella, 8, and Imogen, 3)—who is pregnant with a baby boy on the way—is all kinds of dreamy. Having recently relocated from NYC to the Bay Area, the brunette beauty and her family (her husband is photographer Seth Smoot) now live in a minimalist abode that they are currently renovating, set amongst awe-inspiring views and towering trees—including one that grows right through their back porch. Here, we get a taste of Smoot’s sweet life, and chat her up about motherhood, style, work, and making way for baby #3.
- "Light, clean, airy, and minimal. At this point it's quite simple—we recently moved from NYC and got rid of at least 50% of our possessions. It was an amazing cleansing process and I'm kind of enjoying how bare bones our place is." Kendra wears a Jess Brown tunic and H&M jeans. Stella wears a Mabo dress.
- "We took out a wall that was between the kitchen and living room that essentially made 80% of the house one big open space. I love feeling connected to what's going on in all parts of the house. I've always wanted to live in a loft and I feel like our home has this feel."
- Looks like someone's getting into the pancake mix...
- "Everything I love and treasure is basically old and bought used from flea markets or vintage shops. I love when objects and furniture have a patina and warmth to them. I also love having a leather sofa (ours is from Restoration Hardware). It's wearing so nicely and I don't sweat spills or any of the other things that come along with kids. It's important to me that things look good, but I also want our family to use our space and objects and not worry about what happens to them. Choosing good materials and also things that are already worn really helps."
- "I don't really care for decorating just for the sake of it. I believe a home should be a curated collection of things gathered over time that have meaning to the people that live there. One philosophy I always abide by is asking myself, 'do I love this?'—even for utilitarian objects like brooms, etc. I also believe in taking it slow. I'd rather live without a couch while we save up and find the perfect one than purchase something in the meantime that ends up being disposable. And I don't believe your home ever needs to be 'done'—things should evolve and change and reflect your current passions and interests."
- The tiniest pancake.
- "Before kids I used to always be running late because I wouldn't give myself enough time to get ready. With kids you kind of have to plan for the worst case scenario/longest time possible, so I'm generally more prepared and on time. I also feel like I'm able to find pleasure in smaller things and moments than before. You do lose a lot of personal time, but I've learned to make room for that and find that the girls respect our need for alone time and time away."
- "The anxiety that comes along with it! I'm extremely laid back, so waking up in the middle of the night stressing about ways they might injure or get themselves killed came as a very unpleasant surprise. I'm not sure if that's normal, but especially during that first year of life I'm pretty much a mess because of it."
- "I'm just so over the moon with them. Pretty much everything they do excites me. This morning they were flipping out with joy because a gray cat wandered onto our porch. I don't know, it was just this really normal but adorable moment and it feels so lucky to have my days filled with that kind of stuff."
- "I hope that I am wise and patient enough to let them make the mistakes they need to make in order to learn. It's difficult to see your kid go through something hard. Stella is having a tough time making friends with this most recent move and I want to jump in and save the day, but I know that she needs to figure it out on her own."
- "Look for the positive in every day. There are, and should be, difficult days. But in the end try to find at least one moment of light each day. Also, follow your instincts. There is so much noise out there on how to do things, but I really believe you will know what is right for your kids."
- "I've loved the name Stella since high school and wouldn't you know, Seth has a great aunt Stella who was a very regal woman and a wonderful namesake. Lou is my mom middle's name. We were introduced to the name Imogen after learning about Imogen Cunningham—one of the first professional female photographers and also an amazing namesake. We also loved the nickname Mo. Her middle name is Gray, just because we liked it."
- Peekaboo.
- "When they make each other laugh, I love that so much." Kendra wears a Hatch top and H&M jeans. Mo wears a vintage dress. Stella wears a Gap dress.
- "I had a lot going on this pregnancy—moving twice, purchasing a home, working part-time. But to be honest, I thrive on having multiple things going on at once. I function better! The most difficult thing about this time around was actually having some thyroid complications, which can be quite common. My sisters have a variety of thyroid issues, so it's always been on my radar, and when I was especially lethargic and gaining more weight than I usually do I made sure to have my midwife check my levels. She confirmed that I had hypothyroidism and I was able to get on medication. I really hope that after pregnancy my levels will adjust to normal or I can learn to treat the condition with eating and exercise. Just want to put it out there for other mamas to keep in mind! It can be confusing because the symptoms are so similar to early pregnancy, but definitely get checked out if you feel like you are functioning below normal energy levels."
- "A little bit! I feel like I might have been spoiled with my mild-mannered girls. I'm hoping I can keep up with him if he has that 'boy energy' that everyone keeps warning me about. On the other hand, Seth and I both joke that he is going to keep us young."
- "I'm not sure what to expect, in some ways it seems like we are pretty deep into the rhythm of family life, so it won't be that huge shift that you go through when you have your first. I love the feeling of having a little experience under my belt. It's definitely made me feel more excited and less apprehensive about his arrival."
- "The perfect day for me would be a trip to the beach. I've learned to enjoy these chilly Northern California waters. I hardly go in, but the kids of course don't mind a bit. We love the big pile of rocks at the South end of Stinson Beach for climbing and picnics. It's about an hour away and I also love car time together, we listen to a lot of oldies and sing and play silly games. Then we'd come home, make a meal, and light a fire."
- "Stella is quirky and funny. I've never met anyone quite like her! She has a really goofy disposition and always tries to make any situation fun. Mo is just pretty darn cute. I find most everything she does pretty charming and adorable."
- "My mom had eight kids! It kind of blows my mind, especially as I'm entering the extremely uncomfortable last month of pregnancy. I have no idea how she did this so many times. So, she could obviously handle a lot. She was a super devoted mother. I feel like we are both a product of our respective generations—she seemed to be totally fulfilled by motherhood, whereas I feel like it's important that I maintain a career and outside interests."
- “It's basically a blank slate, it's exciting to think of the possibilities. Since the shoot, we installed one of those hanging wicker chairs and Stella spends hours reading in it and begs to sleep in it. My favorite thing is their double closet full of games and art supplies and toys. I try to be a minimalist in other areas, but we've tried to invest in quality activities. It makes me so happy when they disappear in the bedroom for hours entertaining one another playing kitchen or dress-up or reading."
- "They love to share, which is a good thing because they probably will be for a long time! I also completely believe in sharing rooms with siblings, I think it helps them to resolve conflicts faster and learn how to get along."
- "I let a lot of things go and also balls get dropped and I just deal with that. When there are quiet times with work I'm able to be super involved with them and their other activities, and then when work comes up I'm less so. What I've found is that the ebb and flow makes me so appreciative of both roles. When I'm working I generally love it and when it's down time I love being at home with my little ladies."
- "I've found that I need work. It's a super satisfying creative outlet and feels like it keeps me fresh and up to date in the world. And even though it's 'work,' it sometimes feels like a break from the everyday parenting responsibilities, almost like a paid vacation! If I'm working on a good job I also really appreciate being able to justify paying someone else to do the housekeeping work that I don't enjoy."
- "When I had Imogen I told my clients that I was taking the next year off. I was actually ready to go back to work sooner than that, so around 6 months I started taking small projects and built up from there. It was a luxury and I hope to do the same this time around. I think it's going to be a little trickier finding a nanny that is great with older kids and a baby and I'm also nervous about how it will work if Seth is traveling a lot. I'm kind of setting my expectations low and am comfortable playing it by ear and job by job. This doesn't feel like the right time to pursue my career full-on and I'm ok with that. If I were to work until I'm 65, then I still have a lot of years left to devote to my job."
- Loving sisters.
- And the flip-side.
- "So many things! Definitely the creative community of photographers, art directors, clients, and other stylists. I love the problem solving and treasure hunting aspect of styling. And also the travel—I've been so lucky to travel to so many beautiful locations like Iceland and Greece and Peru with amazing crews that feel like good friends. It's also great to feel appreciated by other adults!"
- "I'd love to use this downtime post-baby to hone some of my skills and take advantage of this amazing San Francisco community of creatives. I'm looking for natural dyeing classes and floral workshops to participate in. This is also a nice time to try to connect with other creatives for a tea or coffee."
- In the details.
- "Tomboy-ish, monotone, casual."
- "Not too much. Styling is pretty involved, so it's not something you'd necessarily wear your fanciest dress for." Kendra wears a No. 6 dress and Madewell jacket. Mo wears a Misha + Puff sweater. Stella wears a Mabo shirt and overalls from Target.
- "Denim, lots of it, on top and on bottom. Tunic-y tops with interesting lines."
- "My job is pretty messy, so even when I'm dressed 'nicely' my clothing still needs to handle a big painting project."
- "A Piece Apart, Electric Feathers, and Madewell for basics. As a mom I love stores like Steven Alan or Bird or Malia Mills that have a lot of interesting pieces and brands under one roof."
- "In a pinch I'll shop online, but I'm a little picky, so I feel like I usually am disappointed in how something fits or feels, so it's better if I wait until I can shop in person."
- "I'd love to find some perfect old Levi's or there is this high-waisted pair of jeans made by Imogene + Willie that look perfect, but are pricey! Maybe someday! For the kids there are so many amazing brands out there, but I really try to be low key about it. It's so easy to turn into a super consumer with a family. I'm trying to just buy a few quality pieces that will last a long time."
- The living room.
- "Our bedroom, like the rest of the house, is in progress. Maybe we'll paint it a cozy color eventually and I'd love to install a picture rail for some of the amazing family photos Seth, my husband, has taken. My favorite things about the bedroom is how quiet it is and the view of the mountains out our window. It's such a pleasure to wake up to. My favorite piece in the bedroom is definitely our king size bed and linen sheets and comfy pillows. We recently upgraded to a bigger bed and it's made such a difference in the amount of sleep we get. Imogen has always climbed into our bed in the middle of the night and it used to be a little too cozy, but now I feel like I can really enjoy her snuggles because there's more room to stretch out and I'm not sleep-deprived."
- "I love to co-sleep for at least the first four months, so we'll do that and have a bassinet for nap times. After that we'll see. Our plan is to eventually add on a few extra bedrooms and bathroom to the house, but I'm sure that will take awhile. Living in NYC for years taught us to be pretty flexible with our sleeping arrangements!"
- Another standout light fixture.
- "I'm so inspired by some of the women that I work with. One of my favorite photographers and collaborators is Anna Palma. She is one of those women that you are just blown away by. She is incredibly creative, completely devoted to her three girls, a knockout with a great sense of style. And she's able to do all of that in a really laid-back way. I also love Imogen Cunningham's story—she created a lot of her iconic imagery while her children napped. I really admire women who are able to do that. I kind of need to separate to get in the right head space to work." Kendra wears an Isabel Marant top, School House Electric necklace, and H&M jeans. Stella wears a Mabo dress. Mo wears a linen romper, made by Kendra.
- "I don't really read parenting sites per say, but I do look at a lot of women's blogs who have families, like Cup of Jo, Say Yes, Bleubird, etc. And Mother, of course! There are also a lot of inspiring mamas on Instagram. A few that I find especially inspiring are Kirsten Rickert, Denise Bovee, and The Stork and the Bean Stalk. I use Pinterest when I have a specific project or recipe that I'd like to work on. And then I feel like it's part of my job to look through all the home and shelter and food mags for research and inspiration. There are so many cool independent magazines being produced—Gather and Papier Mache are two of my favorites."
- One of many photographs scattered about the house.
- Tabletop treasures.
- "Even though NYC to Bolinas was basically a 180-degree turn in lifestyle, it almost feels like Bolinas to San Anselmo is a bigger adjustment. Purchasing a house in a neighborhood we love is obviously a dream, but it also feels so permanent! Stella is in second grade at a great school down the road and when I think about being at that same school through this little dude's elementary years I almost can't breath. I know—total champagne problems. I feel silly even saying this. But it does feel like we are really setting down roots and ideas of a gypsy life are getting dimmer by the minute.”
- "That definitely played a big role in our decision to move. We have been excited to have the outdoors be a bigger part of our family life. And being a bit closer to our extended family that is spread out on the West Coast was also a motivating factor. But I think we were just also excited about a change and a new adventure. I absolutely loved raising young kids in New York City—it's dynamic and interesting and I love the way you socialize at the playgrounds."
- "It's quiet...literally! I hear a lot of birds chirping. It's seems pretty easy breezy and for a bit I definitely missed the stress and pace of city life. There's a really amazing community feel, especially in downtown Fairfax, which we are walking distance from."
- "It is just so beautiful here. I can't get over the amazing plants that grow and the coastline and the redwoods."
- "Definitely. I think Seth and I both would be up for living abroad for a few years or traveling around in an RV."
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Kendra is beautifully barefoot in picture #1 and #5! Too bad those pictures are it, Kendra does have very nice feet.