March 2023 Horoscopes
Written by Christie Craft
Photography by Luke Gram
It’s horoscope time! Check out what’s in store for you this month by reading through the larger themes of these March 2023 horoscopes, then finding your specific sign below.
The year’s thoughtful and intentional beginning (read: occasionally slow with some setbacks) hits a fever pitch in March. This astrologically active month brings possibility to a boil, alchemizing past karmic ties into useful tools to fix the horizon for a great, wide future.
An intellectual incubation period is a necessary element of our best-laid plans, illustrated by Mercury’s shift into dream-maker Pisces on March 2. Give yourself the mental space to meander through your imagination early in the month. Even the most outrageous ideas captured in your mind’s eye can serve as a blueprint for your next best chapter.
A Virgo full moon on March 7 brings life into focus under a hyper-discerning lens. Rather than fixating on the flaws, steady yourself to find practical—even spiritual—solutions to any snags in your tapestry you may perceive as negative.
The bonds of love and money strike a luxurious and physical tone when Venus moves into Taurus on March 16. Mercury moves into Aries on March 19 followed closely by a new moon in the fire sign on March 21, priming voices to serve willpower in demanding what is needed. Whatever we’re in pursuit of now could lead to more security at home and with your family as Mars marches into Cancer on March 25.
March Legend
March 2: Mercury enters Pisces
March 7: Virgo Full Moon, Saturn enters Pisces
March 12: Jupiter conjunct Chiron
March 16: Venus enters Taurus
March 19: Mercury enters Aries
March 21: Aries New Moon
March 23: Pluto enters Aquarius
March 25: Mars enters Cancer
Find Your Sign
Aries - Working Smarter
March 21 – April 19Efficiency is the name of the game this month, and you’re eager to change things up to maximize the juice in every squeeze. New job opportunities—or the searing self-awareness that you need to change jobs or how you work—could arrive with the Virgo full moon on March 7. More money could be a sweet morsel of these changes, especially after March 16 when Venus slips into your earned income sector.
Satisfaction in your personal life comes into sharp focus with a new moon in your sign on March 21. If the people around you aren’t affirming and accepting of who you are, you may find that you’d rather be alone. But with such heavy magnetism drawn from this lunation, it’s unlikely that you’ll be ignored or spend much time solo. Try not to bring your troubles home this month. Mars, your ruling planet, charges into your domestic sector on March 25 with the possibility of tightening tension in your family life.
Taurus - Analyze This
April 20 – May 20Clarity of realism in your romantic life is a cherished gift this month, particularly during the Virgo full moon on March 7. You’ll be able to see a situation—or situationship—for exactly what it is. Data points from your assessments can be transmuted into guideposts shaping your lovelife into something more holistically fulfilling. Venus, your ruling planet, comes home to your sign on March 16, enhancing your ability to manifest the intellectual into the physical.
Retreating into yourself might be the spark you need to discern your needs before speaking them into action, especially during the Aries new moon on March 21. Symbols emerging from your inner world and dream life are messages from the numinous within that should not be ignored as the month marches into April.
Gemini - Get Real
May 21 – June 20Self-advocacy often means listening to yourself with total honesty, even if the messages from within are harsh or feel oppositional to your deepest desires. Are you truly happy and fulfilled with your home? Either literally—as in your real estate and living situation—or figuratively, as in your family structure. A full moon in exacting Virgo (March 7) asks you such probing questions. You may ask yourself similar questions about your work life and how it balances with the rest during this lunation. What you discover when you’re really real with yourself could prompt you to act swiftly on a new set of ideals for the long-term.
Love and romance might translate to privacy after March 16 when Venus traverses the part of your chart ruling secrets and the subconscious. There’s no harm in going offline, but don’t be surprised if your friends take notice and try to drag you out of your slumber. An Aries new moon strikes your social sector on March 21, offering some truly fantastic opportunities to have fun and connect with pals.
Cancer - Strike While It's Hot
June 21 – July 22Tough conversations can lead to greater peace efforts this month. Though uncomfortable, being direct about a situation—especially within your relationships—can lead to greater harmony. Honesty is key during the Virgo full moon on March 7, then things will settle down significantly.
Your career trends up, up, and away for the rest of the month. An Aries new moon (March 21) sparks a fire in your career sector, drawing surprising and stellar opportunities for work from all corners of life. On March 25, Mars comes marching into your sign, all but guaranteeing your success. Take chances and remember that opportunities like these rarely knock twice.
Leo - Make Friends With Change
July 23 – August 22Financial prospects are looking spectacular this month, but you may have to put in some detailed legwork to keep the wealth flowing. An exacting Virgo full moon (March 7) may pull a fine-tooth comb through your regular budget, snagging the weak spots and tangles needlessly draining your income. Though annoying at first, use this information to stop up the spills and create an ironclad strategy for managing your money.
Experiencing how easy it is to change your financial habits could spark a revolution in how you approach most things. You may be hungry to learn or find deeper meaning in the everyday during an Aries new moon on March 21. Harnessing your power to accept and initiate change is a strong spiritual elixir and the foundation of a happy, healthy life.
Virgo - Self-Compassion
August 23 – September 22Being kind to yourself isn’t always your sign’s strongest suit. But this month, radical self-compassion is the secret ingredient to making powerful foundational changes to your long-term vision. A potent full moon in your sign (March 7) brings honesty and awareness to the why and how of your inner dialogue. If you’re often a wee bit too hard on yourself or tend to lean towards the gloomier side of the street in your thinking, this lunation is tailor-made for tidying your mental wellness.
Your approach to love and intimacy may change radically this month, too. Venus shifts into your philosophy center on March 16, awakening you to the evolution of your core values in your relationships. An Aries new moon illuminates the part of your chart governing transformation and shared resources on March 21. Finding balance in your intimate relationships will be key. And sometimes, the healthiest thing you can do is walk away from someone who isn’t affirming or accepting.
Libra - Listen To Your Body
September 23 – October 22Being responsible for yourself means exercising greater discipline around your health and wellness this month. Deep down, you may know something feels “off” with your current routines and regimens. Listen to your body’s wisdom, especially during the Virgo full moon on March 7.
Love strikes a transformative note with Venus, your ruling planet, shifting into the part of your chart governing change and shared resources on March 16. On March 21, a new moon in firebrand Aries falls in your partnership sector. The dance of these cosmic events paints a significant turning point in intimacy for you and your mate. Single? There’s a mystery in store for you in who you could meet via happenstance just around the next corner. Keep your heart open.
Scorpio - Growing Pains
October 23 – November 21March could be a more karmically charged month for you than others. The revelations you receive could sting, but trust that these lessons are built to make your foundations stronger.
You may face an ending or a significant turning point within a friendship during the Virgo full moon on March 7. This experience could leave you feeling insecure or hesitant about opening up and forming bonds. Rather than dwelling in discomfort, approach your feelings as critical information about what dynamics to seek in future social situations. Self-trust in demonstrating your interpersonal values swells when Venus shifts into your partnership sector on March 16.
How you work and the habits you keep around health and wellness may need some adjustment by the end of the month. Fortunately, you’ll have the support of a new moon in Aries (March 21) to make any necessary changes—and fast. Don’t let stress rule your mindset.
Sagittarius - All Eyes on You
November 22 – December 21Recognition and rewards for your efforts at work are on their way! A Virgo full moon hits your career sector on March 7, drawing attention to all the great strides you’ve made professionally. The movers and shakers are watching you work. Give yourself a chance to bask in the kudos—they could change your career trajectory for the long game.
Expect plenty of romantic attention this month, too. A new moon in fiery Aries falls in your true love sector on March 21, sparking a passionate new beginning in matters of the heart. If you’re planning on expanding your family, this is an excellent lunation supporting pregnancy, adoption, and children.
Capricorn - Ripple Effect
December 22 – January 19Spring cleaning for your sign means letting go of old ways of thinking. A full moon in sister earth sign Virgo on March 7 sets the tone for clearing out your mind to create some space for positive growth.
Your love life has the opportunity to grow alongside your inner world this month with Venus shifting into your romance sector on March 16. Intimate relationships become more sensuous and physical under this transit and singles have a surprise chance of meeting someone new and exciting. Love’s vibration creates a ripple effect into the harmony of your home life late in the month with a new moon in spicy Aries on March 21. You’ve got a chance to direct the intensity of this lunation to starting anew in creating your ideal home and family dynamics.
Aquarius - Clear as a Bell
January 20 – February 18Big shifts in your self-perception and how you choose to move in the world lie ahead in the month of March. A Virgo full moon (March 7) in the part of your chart ruling transformation and resources signals that you’ll be dropping some heavy burdens in your responsibilities. This may manifest financially, such as debt relief, or possibly in renegotiating who’s in charge of what in your partnerships. Healthy discipline will likely play a key role in how you handle these changes.
Feathering your nest is a labor of love for you and your dear ones after Venus enters your domestic sector on March 16. Strive not only for physical beauty and comfort, but a greater sense of peace and harmony in your home and family. Communicating clearly with relatives becomes a snap after March 19. If you need to have a challenging discussion or make amends, the Aries new moon on March 21 delivers perfect support. Let yourself be heard with compassion and truth.
Pisces - True Values
February 19 – March 20March is the tip of the iceberg in what may become a years-long maturation process for your sign. Yes, it’s time to embrace some big life changes and get serious about structuring your identity through commitment, discipline, and core integrity.
An unexpected revelation in your relationship stemming from a conversation with your partner may drop during the Virgo full moon on March 7. Talking through difficulties feels warmer and fuzzier after Venus moves into your communication sector on March 16.
Knowing your worth pays in dividends at the end of the month. An Aries new moon sparks a fire in your income sector on March 21, stoking plenty of hot opportunities to make more money. Speak up about your true value!
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