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october 2022 horoscopes

May 2022 Horoscopes

october 2022 horoscopes

Written by Christie Craft

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It’s horoscope time! Check out what’s in store for you this month by reading through the larger themes of these May 2022 horoscopes below, then clicking into your specific sign in our slideshow.

 Joyful Rebirth

May presents a critical mass of immense change for each of the 12 signs in myriad ways. At the height of spring’s neon rebirth, we observe the cliff then take a dive. While this month won’t be without its thrills and chills, bravery is honored in the richness of our authenticity. 

Love is a firebrand adventure with Venus touring bold Aries for most of the month. But Mercury also spins into a pesky retrograde phase on May 10, crossing our wires and creating static on the line with anyone you need to connect with. Let your thoughts simmer before they become messages, get all the dirty details, and refrain from signing your name. Jupiter also shifts into Aries on May 10, bringing a newfound boldness to our ability to self-actualize.

A lunar eclipse in Scorpio occurs on May 16 ushers us through portals of intense personal healing, purging toxins, and shedding former versions of ourselves and our lives. You might not recognize yourself by the time the Gemini new moon rolls around on May 30.

May Legend:
May 2: Venus enters Aries
May 3: Jupiter sextile Pluto
May 10: Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini, Jupiter enters Aries
May 16: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May 20: Sun enters Gemini
May 22: Mercury (RX) enters Taurus
May 24: Mars enters Aries
May 28: Venus enters Taurus
May 30: New moon in Gemini

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