The Mama Behind NYC Cafe Jack’s Wife Freda
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Belathée Photography
If you live in NYC or have recently visited downtown Manhattan, chances are you’ve heard the buzz about Jack’s Wife Freda, a family-owned restaurant filled with yummy food, beautiful people, and plenty of Instagram-able moments. The woman behind the venture is the instantly recognizable (thanks to her sharp bob and Sol Moscot frames) Maya Jankelowitz, who not only has two cafes under her belt, but two children (Noam, 8, and Benjamin “Bennie,” 4). Here, the busy mama with a killer sense of style opens up her home and shares her unique and refreshing take on motherhood.
"The apartment is at the cross junction for Soho, the LES, and East Village. We always lived downtown, but when we opened our first Jack's Wife Freda location in Soho, we moved to this apartment so that we could be a short walk away from work."
Maya wears a Saint Laurent shirt, Levi's Redun jeans, and Sol Moscot glasses.
- "I would say it's practical, convenient, cozy, and kid-friendly/comfortable."
- “It's always fun to know that our home is not something fixed, it is constantly changing, it's never complete, and there is always room to grow. (As does everything else in life.) Home is really the four of us being together. Still, it is always fun to keep improving the aesthetic, dream about moving, and finding more art (and space for Lego sets)." Noam and Bennie wear Crew Cut tank tops.
- “In general I try to keep all the kids' stuff organized in their room. I love that they play and make a mess all over the house, but at the same time they are so good about cleaning up, and making sure every toy is returned to its ‘home.’"
- “Diversity, culture, four seasons, sharing it with all types of people, energy, excitement, taxis, the subway, the Empire State Building, the neighborhoods, the skyline, the bridges, the six degrees of separation that turn up everyday while walking the streets, the art, the museums, the shopping, the style, the food. They are exposed to so much."
- “‘Would I’ is a very long time. I am often curious to move, to change, but New York City will always have my heart."
- “There is no typical day. My husband and I alternate school drop-off and pick-ups, we run around between the two restaurants all day and night, taking kids to their after-school classes. When they're out of school, we take them to Times Square, Central Park, restaurants, playgrounds, soccer, baseball, and all over the city. Our to-do list is always full with work notes and kids' notes. My all-time favorite thing to do, though, is being home.”
- “For me, it's almost like a whole new role in a whole new life that I get to experience. I was never the ‘mom' type, and wasn't really mentally ready for such an important job. I stayed home without working for two years with my first and gave him every minute of attention, as it felt like a new challenge would arise everyday and I wanted to dedicate myself fully to our new baby. I realize now that it will be new forever. As the kids grow up I am always dealing with something for the first time, but also learning to live in the moment, be present, and enjoy growing and changing all together."
- “Everything! I remember one night when I was 28 years old, 9 months pregnant, and myself and Dean, my husband, were building the baby crib. I told him that I can't believe someone will be moving in with us. I told him I loved him so much, that I don't understand how it will be possible to love someone else the same. Of course, when Noam was born, I learnt very quickly that the heart is a muscle that keeps expanding and the more you love the more it grows."
- "Noam means peaceful/pleasant in Hebrew. Being Israeli, I wanted to find a name that would make sense, but be easy to pronounce in both languages. Turned out that it's harder for people to say Noam than I thought. But it's super cute to see him spell it out to the confused people who try to call him Noah. Bennie is short for Benjamin, and it’s a nickname we’ve called him since the day he was born. He is also known as #BennieTheGangster.”
- “I guess I went through that same notion I just explained. From loving your husband and one child to having the ability to love even more. I couldn't believe I had my own little family, and all the love I have been searching for since I was very young."
“When I remember how exciting it all really is. It's easy to get distracted with daily routines and stress, and sometimes daily activities feel really hard to get done. But the more I work on being present and being in the moment, and breathing through those hard times, I can't believe how magical being a mother is. The more I practice this, it's becoming more natural to see the beauty all the time, no matter what's happening."
Maya wears a Dries Van Noten dress.
- “Everything! I always look at myself from the outside when we are just crossing the street to walk to school. I almost sound like a Navy Commander in the army shouting to the troops to hold my hands tight as we try to avoid the construction work, the bums, the trucks, the traffic, etc. That's another moment I need to remember to breath, though. It's a lot of responsibly being a mom, and everyday I learn a little bit more how to live in peace with that job."
- “Me staying calm through whatever it is that is happening. Just being with them."
- "I don't really have any icons, but I feel I learn from the streets whenever I see acts of kindness and love between a parent and their child, or kind people in general. Those little moments in life usually fill me up and give me something to aspire to, and make me believe. You gotta believe."
- "I was so unprepared, that I can definitely say that you should be aware and honest, and all you have to do is trust your instincts, and do your best. It's a lot of work on yourself and your babies. But no one can really prepare you until you experience it for yourself."
- "Well, for starters, we don't really have a support system in NYC. If we were raising the kids back home in South Africa or Israel I would imagine family, friends, lots of cousins, playing outdoors freely... But home is in NYC for us, and I couldn't imagine raising them anywhere else at the moment. I sometimes yearn for that support system that community and family can provide, but it probably would also mean family giving us advice on how to raise our children."
- "I was only talking Hebrew to them when they were born. Once they started school, though, the more they insist on speaking English. Oh well."
- “As the kids grow, I learn how part of my job is to re-organize the room (toys, clothes, etc.), get rid of the old, and make space for the new. Every shelf in that little room is real estate! We love doing that together, I think that every couple of months we do a 'spring cleaning' that kind of becomes a mini goodbye ceremony that can feel like a scene from Toy Story. We get to play with so many toys one last time before we bag them up and give them to the kids of the cooks at Jack's Wife Freda. It's very emotional, but we love doing it."
- "Noam says, 'Playing on my iPad in my room.’ Bennie says, ‘The same as Noam.’"
- "I love The New Potato, New York, The New York Times, Man Repeller, Vanity Fair, and Bon Appetit."
- "Cafe Mogador on St. Marks Place, Lure Fishbar in Soho, Jack's Wife Freda, of course, Gemma in The Bowery Hotel, Elias Corner for fish in Astoria, Sant Ambroeus on Lafayette, Strip House by University for a steak, and Whole Foods."
- "Pretty much. When there is school sometimes they come in for early dinner and do their homework in the dining room, otherwise the chefs know what they like and often help me make some take-out dinners for them."
- “Noam says, ‘Playing on the computer in the office.’ Bennie says, 'Playing on the computer in the office and eating french fries with ketchup and challa.’"
- "I worked at Balthazar."
- "Jack's Wife Freda is an all day cafe, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s simple, inspired food with a deep sense of hospitality. I like how New York Mag described it when we opened: 'Jewish South African Israeli grandmother cuisine.' How cute."
"We started dreaming and putting the idea together when our first son was born. And as our family grew, so did our desire to open our own place. We opened a few months after our second son was born."
Maya wears a Zimmerman dress and Chanel shoes. Bennie wears a Crew Cut girls tank and hand-me-down Gap shorts. Noam wears a Crew Cut girls t-shirt and shorts from Bitz Kids Tribeca.
- “We are always alternating. However, we don't have definite roles and love doing everything together. But some might say that I'm the good cop, he's the bad cop."
- “Like any relationship, it takes work, commitment, understanding, and a big sense of humor."
- “It’s consistent, very hard work."
- “Artist friends, people dear to us, gifts, some pieces we found and loved. Everything is very personal."
- “Time management and scheduling my day most efficiently." Maya's sunnies are Dolce & Gabbana.
- “It's second nature, it's all we know."
- “We work with a great team of people at the restaurant who happily help us at home, too."
- "I love making guests feel welcome, happy, and fed. I also love building our team, teaching our staff."
- "I like to feel pleased with what I am wearing and comfortable. It keeps changing."
- "I think it's maturing, and I'm enjoying fashion more and more everyday. It's like a great hobby."
- "I love long flow-y dresses, but also jeans or sweats on my days off, lots of plaid button-downs, and Valentino skirts. And finding creative ways of putting it all together."
- "I love Dries Van Noten, Valentino, Zimmerman, Warm, Saint Laurent, Marc Jacobs, Levi's Redun, Monrow sweats and t-shirts, Current Elliot t-shirts, and my Stella McCartney overalls."
- “I love shopping online, and love popping into shops while running around for quick finds."
- “The biggest chunk of my time is getting my hair treated and straightened. I get the Japanese perm in a tiny little place in Chinatown, I have been going to the same place for 15 years! Otherwise, I like getting quick facials at HeyDay, a friend of ours just opened this amazing facial spa for busy ladies. It’s quick and efficient and so good!"
- "I am actually amazed to admit that since my first son was born and until pretty recent, I have been so busy between the kids and the restaurants that I have neglected my wellness. What a long rollercoaster ride that has been. However, it's been a few months now that I am making it a priority to refind myself. I am back practicing Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga early in the mornings. I love it. I meditate and try to do so everyday. I started with Andy who has created this app called Headspace. I highly recommend for the curious beginners." To keep following along with Maya and her family, check out her Instagram feed.
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