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Photo via Food52

15 Quick Meals Perfect For Brand-New Moms

Written by Patrice D'Agostino

Photography by Photo via Food52

Caring for new babies is nothing short of a magic act. The precision with which moms balance being on-demand 24/7 for a mini-being, while also attempting to care for themselves, defies the laws of time. Eating becomes one of those things that may or may not be done depending on how quickly food can be prepared then shoveled into one’s mouth. Considering that eating is essential to muster the stamina to tend to baby and also heal your body after labor, forgoing meals isn’t the best option. So, we’ve got you covered with a wide array of quick meals to make once your adorable bundle arrives. The slideshow below features 15 meals that are delicious, quick to make, and hearty enough to keep you satiated through your long days and night of bonding and loving your tiny new addition.

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