October 2024 Horoscopes

Written by Christie Craft
Photography by Luke Gram
It’s horoscope time! Check out what’s in store for you this month by reading through the larger themes of these October 2024 horoscopes, then finding your specific sign below.
October’s descent is a fateful one, and if you feel like time is moving too fast and too slow simultaneously, you’re in good company with every other resident of Earth. The inter-eclipse weeks are no joke, gravitationally speaking: Some signs may not have fully felt or processed the resultant energy of the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces that hit us on September 17th. Now, the second eclipse—a Solar Eclipse in Libra—bookends the season of karmic recoil on October 2nd, as many of us are still wringing out the sopping-wet emotional confusion of last month’s eclipse. However, the justice-oriented energy of October’s eclipse helps create space for emotional intelligence, offering a profound understanding of the past by holding the tension and balancing the logic and feeling of our three minds—head, heart, and gut.
The month’s momentum may feel temporarily “clogged” by some outer-planetary events mid-month. You may feel progress slowing when kingmaker Jupiter enters a long retrograde phase in Gemini on October 9th. This energy isn’t about obstacles but an invitation to pause and reassess your path. Pluto’s movement stations direct in serious Capricorn on October 11th after a lengthy retrograde period, punctuating a cycle stirring in your life since May.
The bridge to late October is no time for people-pleasing behaviors, and those who tend to put others first recklessly could imperil their health and wellness. Mercury shifts into Scorpio on October 13th, giving us a preview of Scorpio Season’s impending themes. Conversations become more intense and emotionally direct as passion oozes from our darkest subconscious caverns. Venus slides into irreverent Sagittarius on October 17th, linked arm-in-arm with the Aries Full Moon, bringing the heat (literally). Open-hearted transparency verges on confrontation during this Full Moon, stripping away any residue of fear conjured by outside opinions and gossip. Charge onward, embodying honest and soulful authenticity.
October Legend:
October 2: New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Libra
October 9: Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini
October 11: Pluto turns direct in Capricorn
October 13: Mercury enters Scorpio
October 17: Full Moon in Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius
October 22: The Sun enters Scorpio
Find Your Sign

Aries - Love & Loyalty
March 21 – April 19Is this a “we” moment or a “me” moment, Aries? On October 2nd, a Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in Libra, setting a tone of tug-o-war between selfishness and balancing others’ needs in your relationships. October marks a new chapter in partnerships, but only if you can let go of unhealthy patterns hindering you. Not everyone is welcoming to your changing relationships, though. Your family may spout vexing judgments aimed at your partner, leaving you frustrated and confused about love and loyalty.
Angst and inner conflict rise like a crushing wave during the Aries Full Moon on October 17th. You can no longer conceal the bitterness you have held back in spaces where you cannot be authentic. The freedom you crave is at your fingertips—but you’ll need to be patient with yourself as you find it.

Taurus - Health Is Wealth
April 20 – May 20October focuses on improving your overall wellness. A Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra on October 2nd could connect you with a new healthcare provider. However, past negative experiences may cloud your mind, causing a defensive attitude and making connecting difficult. Self-advocacy is paramount to your health, but consider this professional’s insights carefully before dismissing good advice. An Aries Full Moon on October 17th may leave you exhausted and needing solo R&R time. Put everything on airplane mode.

Gemini - Wuthering Heights
May 21 – June 20This month highlights love and romance in a big way, beginning strong with a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon duo in your airy sister Libra on October 2nd. Exhilarating developments in your love life feel predestined and karmic. You may experience intense baby fever—and even move to act on your yearning. Of course, this could be a symbolic “baby” as much as it could be literal, culminating in a thrilling new creative project. Exciting? You betcha! However, stormy financial consequences are also implied, so budget accordingly.
On October 17th, an Aries Full Moon infuses your friendships with intensity and emotion. You may grow weary of a friend’s selfish ways and decide to cut cords once and for all. Safeguard your peace and focus on fostering harmony in your business and romantic life instead.

Cancer - Blazing Changes
June 21 – July 22Change comes knocking on your door this October, but it doesn’t have to be a scary affair. You can’t count on life staying the same forever, especially your humble abode. On October 2nd, a Solar Eclipse and a New Moon in Libra make way for a potential relocation for you or a relative. Rapid developments might overwhelm and unsettle you, naturally. Ride the wave of change, but pencil in plenty of time for rest and recovery.
An Aries Full Moon on October 17th sparks your professional life into a blaze of activity. You’ll be busy alright, but you may also be frustrated by a perceived lack of recognition. When the time comes, compose yourself and clear the air with crucial figureheads privately. Hang in there, baby—Venus could help secure a new position elsewhere in November if you don't feel heard.

Leo - Lip Service
July 23 – August 22You’re ready to speak your truth this month, Leo. On October 2nd, a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra inspire you to open up and tell your story by writing a book, launching a podcast, or joining a support group that encourages healing through sharing. Keeping your plans under wraps during the initial stages will be challenging. Permit yourself to be a beginner. However frustrating the experience, it will help ensure your success.
A Full Moon in Aries on October 17th could shift your perspective significantly, prompting you to reevaluate your spiritual, philosophical, or political beliefs. You’ll want to lead authentically when love and romance become a prominent focus in the weeks after this Full Moon.

Virgo - Financial Flexibility
August 23 – September 22Money is on your mind this October, Virgo. On October 2nd, a Solar Eclipse and a New Moon in Libra pitch you an opportunity to make more money—whether by raising your rates in a current professional role or launching a new side hustle. This eclipse favors business owners and entrepreneurs. However, self-employed Virgos might face the tough truth that investing in essentials is necessary to generate profit that pays off. An Aries Full Moon on October 17th presents a thorny challenge, potentially prompting you to seek outside funding. Avoid bringing business drama and money stress home; protect the peaceful solace of your private family space.

Libra - Power Play
September 23 – October 22To say October is a personally empowering month for you would be an understatement! A Solar Eclipse and a New Moon illuminate your sign on October 2nd, infusing your spirit with a remarkable drive to embrace life’s fullness—on your own terms. Expect significant transformations in your identity, relationships, and career.
Shining so brightly may trigger insecure personalities to attempt to dominate or stifle your progress, but this will just encourage you further to assert yourself in life. This unsettling, authoritarian energy may reach a critical mass during the Aries Full Moon on October 17th, particularly in your partnerships. If you’ve been on shaky ground—either in business or pleasure—this moment may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Fortunately, Venus, your ruling planet, will have your back in respectful communication.

Scorpio - Sacred Flames
October 23 – November 21Protecting your peace is October’s priority. October 2nd presents a pivotal moment in your spiritual growth, thanks to a Solar Eclipse and New Moon teaming up in Libra. This eclipse supports you in nurturing and nourishing yourself by any means necessary. Don’t expect others to get it—but honestly, who cares? You’re no stranger to being misunderstood; the profound tranquility on the other side is worth a moment’s discomfort. Trust yourself above all.
A Full Moon in Aries on October 17th brings a fire for burning away unhealthy habits. You might also decide to leave a job that has left you drained and resentful. All this extreme astrological “weather” tends your soil for a prosperous future, seeding many lucrative new opportunities.

Sagittarius - Silver & Gold
November 22 – December 21Get ready for your social life to expand this month, Sag. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra double your conviviality on October 2nd. In welcoming new connections, you may also need to reassess specific alliances that are no longer aligned with your growth. Trust in your strength to sever these ties before they become detrimental.
October’s transformative energy won’t just affect platonic personal relationships. On October 17th, an Aries Full Moon super-charges your assertiveness in romantic relationships—or “situationships”—with partners who treat you like an option. This month, severing ties with people who drain your energy or treat you poorly is easy and comes at a shocking pace. Another benefit to all this confidence is powerful magnetism to attract the right people who value, appreciate, and above all, respect you.

Capricorn - Silent Mode
December 22 – January 19Your sterling reputation is verging on fame status this month, Cap, even if it requires ruffling a few tailfeathers on your way to stardom. On October 2nd, a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra open up incredible opportunities to advance your career through your good name. However, haters may be louder than usual—but that will only fuel your fire for success!
Challenges may hit home during the Aries Full Moon on October 17th. This tense full moon may bring tensions to a head in your domestic life, potentially stoking a family crisis. Meanwhile, Venusian energies encourage you to keep your love life more private, regardless of your relationship status. Stay off of social media this month!

Aquarius - Touch & Go
January 20 – February 18October encourages you to stretch your legs, both physically and intellectually. A Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra on October 2nd fuels your passion for expanding your horizon through experience. You’re more open than ever, and this eclipse presents a singular opportunity for personal growth.
On October 17th, a tumultuous Full Moon in Aries may spark conflict. Emotions run high, especially with siblings, making it challenging for everyone involved to see beyond personal circumstances. Blissful moments with friends take the edge off the tension. Social gatherings scintillate with chemistry—especially for you singles.

Pisces - What’s Your Worth
February 19 – March 20Complex financial changes are on the books for October. You may saddle a new debt during the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra on October 2nd. While this will be for a good cause—such as a loan or line of crucial credit—it’s critical to crunch your budget numbers before signing any agreements to ensure you can handle repayment. A trusted income stream could run dry after the Aries Full Moon on October 17th, complicating financial matters and impacting your borrowing and credit qualifications. You’ll have to think quickly on your feet. Be bold and consider potential benefactors who could step in as angel investors in a pinch. In fact, you may not even have to approach them as they may be ready to swoop in and save the day. However, proceed with care: This financial white knight may harbor a fierce romantic or sexual attraction to you, creating a potentially dangerous imbalance. Handle with kid gloves!
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