Insanely Adaptable One-Pot Pasta
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photograph Courtesy Of Eleanor Ozich
Motherhood is a full-time job—there’s no doubt about it. And, while it’s often beautiful and rewarding, it can also be insanely hectic and come at you fast. That said, most busy mamas would prefer to make their lives easier whenever possible. Whether it’s letting dad or grandma take the kids for an afternoon of well-deserved rest, or succumbing to those 15-minutes of extra screen time to avoid total meltdown; sometimes, the best route is the painless route. And, what better way to sneak “effortless” into everyday mom life than in the kitchen? After all, if a meal can be nourishing, yummy, and easy, what’s not to love? Here, Eleanor Ozich, author of The Art of Simple, shares her uncomplicated (not to mention delicious and savory) recipe for one-pot pasta. The best news? It’s also adaptable, and can be switched up from meal to meal, and family to family. We dare you to only make it one night a week!
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