15 Drool-Worthy Quesadilla Recipes
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photo via Top With Cinnamon
There are a handful of foods that you can never go wrong with when it comes to pleasing the kids—pizza, mac ‘n cheese, burgers, and the like. Another favorite of ours is quesadillas. The cheesy, oozy, gooey, savory treat wins big with children of all ages (and adults, too!). Not to mention, they’re the perfect go-to for busy moms because they’re super quick, inexpensive, and simple to make. The best part is, they’re great for sneaking vegetables and protein into your child’s diet. Kids don’t even notice there’s “healthy stuff” in there. We’ve gathered some delicious and nutritious recipes for both kids (and a few “fancier” ones for adults) below for you to try in your own kitchen.
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