Natural Beauty Guru & Mother Of Two, Shiva Rose
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photographed by Katrina Dickson
Not many people can say they have a full, blooming garden producing year-round fruitage, chickens laying farm fresh eggs, and honey-producing bees—all while living in the city, but Shiva Rose is that person. The all-natural alchemist, yogi, and earth mama of two beautiful daughters Colette and Charlotte, welcomes us into her Pacific Palisades home and talks about creating her namesake line of holistic beauty balms and potions, motherhood, and living responsibly. Click into our slideshow below for a wealth of knowledge, beauty, and inspiration.
“Our home is a bohemian, eclectic ranch-style house with somewhat of a farm in the garden. We grow lots of produce and have a shepherd dog named Luna, a cat name Fig, two chickens, and some honey bees. Someday, we hope to have a real farm with goats and sheep.”
Shiva wears a vintage Victorian night dress and a fedora hat.
"We try to spend time outdoors on weekends and after school. The girls have a few chores, like putting the chickens away, cleaning the coop, feeding the animals, weeding the vegetable garden, and helping me harvest honey a few times a year."
Colette wears overalls and a striped top by Comme Des Garçons and Charlotte wears vintage overalls.
- "As a child, I grew up in the rural countryside of Iran. My American mother made it a very bohemian existence with activities like yoga classes, and wine and beer-making. We also had honey bees—I think this must have planted the seeds for me, to associate this kind of living with contentment. After getting a divorce six years ago, I yearned to have a more grounded life and raise my daughters closer to nature. This led me to create this little haven between the mountains and a creek in Southern California."
- Fresh flowers from the garden.
- "We grow things seasonally. We currently have cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, herbs, lettuce, melons, and strawberries. When I first started my line, I used the rose oil and water from my homegrown roses, however, now the supply is too much for my garden. I am now growing calendula for some new products I have in mind."
- "I feel so blessed to be able to have a little sanctuary just a few minutes from the city. It’s the best of both worlds. To be honest, I do see us eventually moving to an even more remote and rural area someday. I am taking Charlotte camping next week to an island off the coast of Washington state. That is truly heaven!"
- "My girls grumble at times about chores, however, they also love to pick out vegetables for dinner. They are bonded with our animals and take pride in caring for them."
- The morning's gatherings.
- “Motherhood has given my life structure and shape, which is wonderful thing. Having a routine is good for me, since I can be a dreamy artist. The challenging part is never being able to feel completely carefree. Just knowing you have beings in the world that you love so much makes you become more mindful and attentive to the problems of the planet.”
- “How much your heart can expand. Also, how much strength we have as mothers—emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual. The ability to be able to sacrifice our needs for our children’s, at an instant. Also, my oldest daughter is my best friend, and that was something I never realized would happen. I am more than just her mother—I am her friend and play mate. Perhaps it’s because I had her in my early twenties, or perhaps it’s just our connection, but she is so much fun to be around.”
- Freshly-picked purple string beans.
- “To make the first child as much a part of raising the second.”
- “Both of my daughters are named after great women writers. Books were my escape and joy as a child, and still are. Colette is named after the well-known French writer, and Charlotte is named after Charlotte Bronte. They were both strong women writers who brought magic to the world with their words and imagination.”
- The girls doing a flower mandala ritual.
- “I had my oldest daughter, Colette, in my mid-twenties, so I don’t even remember what it was like having a home without children. I did, though, always keep my taste and aesthetic after having kids.”
- “I love our dining table. It was handmade by a woman named Rebecca from a slab of walnut that I chose. We do a lot of living on this table, from art projects, to eating meals, to family discussions. I love that it was handmade by someone I know, and that I was able to be a part of the creation process. I also like our ‘nature table’ that is set with special items—crystals and sea shells found on our trips to Kauai.”
- “I love the Japanese quote about only having things in your home that are either absolutely beautiful to you or very useful. I try to follow that rule to keep a minimal, uncluttered atmosphere.”
“I spend most of my time in my kitchen with my girls preparing and eating meals. This is one of my favorite areas, as well as my bedroom, since it is so peaceful and serene. I don’t have any electrical gadgets or devices in the bedroom, and mantras are playing to create a high-vibration.”
Shiva wears a Loup Charmant dress and beaded earrings by Salihah Moore, Colette wears a blue check Reformation romper, and Charlotte wears Flora and Henri dress.
- “When I remodeled the house, I envisioned a communal experience, which is why the living room, dining room, and kitchen are one big space. The dining room table is the area for eating, homework, and art projects. In the summer, we like to open the sliding glass doors to let in the summer breeze into the area.”
- Farm fresh eggs.
- “The best part is that I can see their love of nature, which I always hoped they would have. I am so grateful for having these two beings in the world because it helps give me a clear perspective in my life. My problems (as long as they aren’t related to my children) are always manageable. When the problems are connected to my children, then my heart is heavy, but I will make sure to work it out somehow.”
- “An ideal day would be to get up and do meditation together. We would then feed the animals and go foraging in our garden. We would make a big breakfast from our eggs and vegetables, and then settle into an art project or beauty mask. Since I make natural beauty products, my daughter always wants to help out. Later, we would take Luna, our shepherd, for a hike in the canyon and afterwards, eat dinner with friends.”
- “Yes, I feel one-on-one time is crucial. My oldest daughter, Colette, goes back to school in the fall, so having us all together is wonderful right now.”
- Fresh figs gathered from the garden to add some sweetness with the mint tea.
- “My daughters make me laugh, which is such a vital quality. A sense of humor is a must in our house! I also love and admire their compassion and connection to mama earth. Colette has incredible fashion sense and taste, and my younger daughter, Charlotte, is an incredible singer and healer.”
- “My mother was adventurous and loves the outdoors. I inherited that from her! I am a loner at times, and that, I also get from her. We are different because I take more chances than she does.”
- “My best friend, Lilakoi Moon, is an incredible woman and mother. I admire the way she lives fearlessly and devotes much of her energy and time to her little ones. I also admire Vandana Shiva, who is fighting for our food rights and against the GMO movement. She is more like the mother of us all. Also, my beautiful friend Carolyn Murphy, who raises her daughter, Dylan, as a single mama with grace and strength.”
- “To teach your kids about life through example. To always come from a place of love—not fear.”
- “I am divorced now, however, I think it is vital to get some alone time with your spouse or partner. I try to set up weekend alone time with my boyfriend, so that the relationship gets nurtured. Go on dates, and if you can, take little trips together to reinforce the bond.”
- “I always feel like I can be better at spending more creative time with my kids. Sometimes, there isn’t enough time for fun because of homework, making meals, and the hectic schedule of our lives. I am going to try to enforce the no-computer or TV rule at least once a week. This will make us connect on a deeper level.”
- “I always wanted to adopt a child, and lately, that idea has been showing itself again. I feel that since I am already raising one right now, adding another into the mix might not be so bad.”
“I've always been a vintage lover, and mixed classics with vintage pieces. Lately, due to my Kundalini Yoga practice, I have been wearing mostly white. White enhances your aura by 100 times. I like vintage Levi's, vintage dresses from the 1940s, and goddess dresses.”
Shiva wears an origin Rainbow Kimono dress and Hazel Cox earrings, Charlotte wears a pink and blue dress, and Colette wears an Isabel Marant top and vintage Levi's.
- “I always tried to stay chic, even after having my first child. I don’t think we have to change our style once we become mothers. Children are the best accessories!”
- “My Hayley Starr wrap dresses, Beyond Yoga white yoga clothes, vintage kimonos, slip dresses, and hand-dyed caftans by Maria Caledron.”
- “Depends where I am going and who with! Jeans with a sexy vintage blouse is always a good standby.”
- “The Row sweaters are just delicious! Céline, for their bags and shoes! My friend makes the most beautiful dresses from natural dyes, called AwaveAwake. Milena Silvano and Dosa are always simple and lovely.”
- “I usually shop at craft fairs, like the Echo Park Craft Fair and Mercado Sagrado, since I can have a personal connection with the folks making the clothes. I like Heist and Bazar in Venice Beach, and Tavin and Mohawk General Store on the East Side.”
- “My younger daughter, Charlotte, went to a Waldorf school and I wanted to keep their tradition of having muted pastels for the walls. We also try to only have toys that are made of wood or natural fibers—nothing plastic. Charlotte created her ‘cozy corner’ in her room. She decorated it with a gauze canopy and pillows. She loves this area and the wooden swords she made in her wood carving class that hang above it. Colette’s room is more minimal with all-white bedding, and an old fashioned iron bed.”
- “I have an all-natural, non-toxic beauty line called Shiva Rose and my favorite is the Glow Face Balm and Radiant Rose Water Toner. They are both so nourishing and plump my skin with beneficial high-vibration ingredients, like aloe, frankincense, rose, and more. I wear amber or musk oils for scent.”
- “I have simplified my style in some ways. I do travel with less clothes, since I pack for others now, as well!”
“For all of us, a sheepskin jacket by Milena Silvano, and some organic, white cotton nightgowns from Only Hearts.
Shiva wears an indigo-dyed Indian jumpsuit from Bazar, Colette wears a crop top and vintage skirt, and Charlotte wears a Bonpoint dress.
- “I am a born native of Los Angeles and I love my town. I feel LA is very exciting right now, at the forefront of fashion, music, art, and all things holistic. At times, the energy gets a bit hectic and I feel the call of the wild and yearn for a place off the grid. I would love a second place, whether in Kauai or Orcas Island, so my daughters and I could go get truly unplugged. I also love Sun Valley, Idaho, Tuscany, Montana, and Northern California.”
- “We like to go to Echo Park once in a while and visit our favorite gourmet market, The Cookbook, and then shop in the area a bit. Other days, a drive to Malibu to visit friends on Point Dune. I like driving to Ojai for the day with my daughters. We visit hot springs and go to the Farmer and The Cook. We also like to jump in the car and go to the ocean for a spontaneous jump in the pacific.”
- “I have a blog and website called The Local Rose. I also have a beauty line called Shiva Rose that is all about creating non-toxic beauty products with elegant ingredients fit for a goddess!”
- “I was an actress for many years, but after my life broke open, I transitioned into a blogger and alchemist. After getting a divorce and overcoming some serious health issues, I had the deep yearning to go back to the earth and all the healing it offered. I decided to raise my daughters as holistically as I could, with a deep connection to nature. I started The Local Rose seven years ago to document this journey, and to also share the love I have for local artisans and various holistic paths.”
- “I like being able to meet new people who are helping our planet and creating beauty along the way. I love being able to make products that can enhance a woman’s life rather than make them ill. I love cooking with organic ingredients and sharing those recipes. I also love discovering enlightening paths of spiritual practices, like Meditative Tea Drinking, Kundalin Yoga, connecting to other sisters, and more.”
- Testing out mom's beautiful perfumes.
“I have several more products coming out in a few months using some secret ingredients that create luminous skin. I have a cleanser-scrub, a blue crystal eye cream, a rose pearl face cream, and a sea siren body scrub all to be debuted in the fall.”
Shiva wears a vintage Issey Miake skirt and a Loup Charmant top.
- “I feel very blessed that I can work from home. One of the reasons I decided to start my blog and line was so I could work from home. Charlotte needs a structured, stable home life and I feel grateful that I can give her this. I also function better in this environment, so having children led me to this path, which makes me enjoy my work so much.”
“I try to shut down work after 4pm, so I can make dinner with my girls and be present.”
For more on Shiva and The Local Rose, follow the brand on Instagram here.
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