The Best Kale Salad, No, Really!
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photographed by James Kicinski-McCoy
Seeing that vegetables and fruits are abundant in springtime, it seems there is no better meal than a nice, big, green salad. And we’re not talking your run-of-the-mill, iceberg salad, either. We’re talking a so-great-you-tell-your-friends-about-it salad. This one is for the hungry mamas who like all things refreshing and healthy with a little bit of salty and sweet. We’re sharing the best kale salad recipe (no, really!) using ingredients you can find at your local Trader Joe’s, which was created and passed on to one of our interns by a Nashville mom. Call it a one-stop-shop salad, but we’re calling it our new go-to!
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