Pregnancy Style: Amelia Fullarton of Millk
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
We’re traveling down under this week for our very first Australian profile. And, who better to do so with other than Amelia Fullarton, mother-of-two adorable girls (Arlo, 4.5, and Aggy, 1.5 ), plus another baby on the way, due late July. Not only does Fullarton have her hands full at home, but she also manages to run a successful photography business, alongside her children’s clothing brand Millk. We sat down with the busy mama to find out just how she does it, and to hear her take on motherhood, Australia-living, and dressing the bump.
- “We are currently renting for a short time, while we focus on our build, which should be happening very soon. This place is very temporary, and we really haven't tried to make it our own too much.”
“Simple, with parts of it that are very us.”
Amelia wears an Organic by John Patrick dress. Arlo wears a romper by Bobo Choses, and Aggy wears bottoms by Millk.
- “I hold onto things I really love and that have importance to me, or are functional. My mind is clear when I have a clear space—it’s just how my brain works.”
- “Definitely some of the photos I have framed of the girls, as well as a blue circle from my dear friend and artist, Jordana Henry. I also love these two little PSA Arnold Circus Stools I got from Everyday Needs. They came in some great colors and are so practical to just move around anywhere, and use for anything.”
- “I’m definitely not opposed to it. I find my girls aren’t huge into toys. Arlo will choose arts and crafts over anything most days, so she has two big drawers full of paints and pencils that we usually have out on the table. Aggy is always in her own head, just walking around the house. She’ll play with a paper cup for 30 minutes before getting bored. Her independence and imagination makes it easy when it comes to toys.”
- “Of course, I love watching these two little girls of mine come into their own. It’s both fascinating and deeply gut-wrenching. I want to hold onto them so tight and tuck them into bed forever.”
- “Ultimately, I think there is a part of every mother that puts it on themselves to raise these ‘perfect’ children. While I do wholeheartedly believe that their home life shapes part of them, inevitably they are going to be who they want to be. We can’t control the thoughts going on in their head. It’s a nervous feeling but also a lesson in letting go. They have to be themselves just as we have to still be ourselves away from our kids.”
- “How much I would genuinely enjoy the experience. I was never extremely maternal before having them. And, while I knew I always wanted a big family, it really has been and will be the single greatest decision I ever made in my life. I feel extremely lucky.”
“There are a few quotes from Jemima Kirke that have really got me. In particular this one: ‘I am constantly harassing, monitoring, and condemning myself for my mistakes because doing so comforts me, as if the fear of loss could prevent it from happening. I can't guarantee or even control my children’s well-being, in the same way I can’t guarantee I’m screwing them up. We mislead ourselves, believing we are the soul answer to our children’s livelihood and their happiness.’ She seems like a good mum icon to have.”
Arlo wears a dress by Nico Nico.
- “My mum left my dad when I was little with three young girls. She was very forward-thinking for her time, always worked incredibly hard, and never relied on a man. I remember her doing it tough on her own for a while. She’s always been a positive, happy, smiling person with an intense and loud laugh. This is mostly how I remember her as a child. She was warm and always put us first. I remember her saying when I was little that stuff will happen in my life, it’s whether I decide to use this as an excuse or just keep pushing on that will make me who I am. I really try and live the same way for my girls, no matter how shitty it can get sometimes.”
“I try to avoid the parenting books, and just go with what feels right for us. The only one I really found useful was Buddhism For Mothers.”
Arlo wears a dress by Boy and Girl.
- “Arlo is our eldest girl. We had this picked out for a boy. When she came out she was so dark, with thick black hair and these features that surprised us. She needed a strong name. It really suits her, she’s very intense. Agnes Lou, or Aggy, was a family name. We also loved how strong it was, but wanted something cheeky, too, and Aggy is a cute nickname. I definitely have a thing for masculine girls names.”
- “We get up and head to coffee with my girlfriends. If it’s sunny, we’ll head to the beach for a few hours. Usually we’ll be home by lunchtime, and have some chill time at home before heading out again for an early dinner or BBQ and beer with friends.”
- “It’s been a little harder. I think mostly because of work demands and looking after two kids already. Thankfully, I’m out of the first stage and really starting to feel good again. I’m lucky I have fairly easy pregnancies.”
- “I think mostly it’s just seeing the girls with another sibling. I’m from a big family, and growing up with lots of brothers and sisters is a pretty special gift to be given.”
- “Oh gosh, I definitely haven’t thought about that yet!”
- “Whole chicken soup, or baked sweet potatoes filled with goodness.”
- “The girls have shared a room from really early on—they love it. Baby #3 will be in our room for a while, and then will most likely have its own room for a bit. I’m not too sure yet. We’ll probably run out of space!”
- “Arlo’s Kalon Toddler Bed has always been a favorite. She's just started growing out of it, and it’s making me feel so sad!”
- “Shit happens...It’ll be okay.”
“I feel like advice when it comes to becoming a mum for the first time is tricky. All babies are different and your experience will be nothing like mine. So, I would say go with what feels right for you.”
Amelia wears a dress by Ace & Jig and Golden Goose sneakers.
“It’s even better than having one!”
Arlo wears a dress by Bobo Choses and a pair of Vans.
- “Right now I don’t, but it’s just a busy time for us. I’m hoping once this baby is born, work slows down a bit, and when our house is built I can have time to do a thing or two each week just for me—a walk or yoga class would be nice. I’d love to get back in to horse riding.”
- “I live in a very relaxed and hot climate. This hugely effects my style. I usually end up in anything that’s cool and comfortable—jeans, t-shirts, and easy dresses.”
- “I can't wear jeans. I love jeans!”
- “Loose, easy dresses.”
- “Dôen, Matin Studio, and Base Range.”
- “Now, I actually shop mostly through Instagram. There are so many great, little independent labels and stores to be discovered.”
- “I cleanse in the shower, love loads of moisturizer, and tend to wear a little foundation, bronzer, and mascara most days, but not much.”
- “I find work makes it hard, as I know I’ve got to put more time into it, but I just don't have it. We try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. And, I drink as much water as possible. We get a local, organic veggie box most weeks. This has helped so much, as we are always eating things that are in-season and local. I’m really terrible when it comes to sugar and pregnancy though—the cravings!”
“I tend to hide it, only because with work I find it easier. I can trek on. As well as because most of my normal clothes are loose-fitting, so my wardrobe doesn’t change a whole lot.”
Amelia wears a dress by Jac and Jack. Arlo wears a dress by Boy and Girl, and Aggy wears a Millk onesie.
- “Find a good man.”
- “Hell yeah! Us women are horrible to ourselves.”
- “I’m a photographer and Co-Founder of the label, Millk.”
“I started photography after my first daughter was born, mostly because I found it difficult to get non-cheesy photos of her. From the family photos, I started to acquire wedding bookings. Where I live is a huge wedding destination in Australia. It’s an incredible job, and I feel so fortunate that l get to call it work. It’s allowed me to travel to some amazing places and feel great love most weekends. l’ll be crying through my camera while the speeches are on. It’s pretty special.
Millk is a new business. At the time, we really felt the need to start something after we found it difficult to source practical clothing for our two little girls. We wanted the concept to be about buying less, but ensuring what we had would be well lived-in, worn, and adored.”
- “My work is something I’m lucky enough to enjoy—it’s my creative outlet. l’m always meeting new people and stepping outside of my bubble. As a working mum, I feel I get the best of both worlds. At work, I can be independent and free-thinking, and then I get to come home to my babies and their big cuddles. I see my eldest girl watching everything I do. I like that her representation of a woman is to hold her own. When I’m away working, I appreciate the kids and my partner even more so. I’m sure they feel that, too.”
- “I’m hoping to slow things down for a little while when we welcome baby #3. I went back to work two weeks after Aggy was born, and I really want to be able to give myself some more time with this baby. Long-term, I’d like to start to take fewer weddings on, with the continuity of quality over quantity, as well as focus on other projects that will push me forward. I’d like my photography work to start to head in the direction of helping others and have some community development projects in mind. As far as Millk, it’s exciting watching it grow. It’s like another little baby of ours!”
- “I’ve realized you can’t do it all. As much as it might look like it from the outside, being a working mum comes with its daily challenges. Al and I don’t get much time just for us, and there are things you miss out on. But, for the most part, I’m incredibly grateful I get to work for myself. It allows for flexibility, and that means I can be with my babies the majority of the time.”
- “It’s pushed me. Everything I do now is for them and their future.”
- “I’m learning to not let things stress me out so much. You’ve got to take time to breathe, soak in every moment with them, and be grateful for whatever it is at that time.”
- “Byron is a beautiful, warm, open-minded, and artful community to live in. What I love most is that life is simple and nothing is ever too complicated—plans can be made five minutes beforehand, my partner can be home from work in a matter of minutes. No time ever feels wasted. Life can be easily enjoyed.”
- “Most definitely. I’ve got a close group of girls who I went to school with. We all moved up here from Sydney almost ten years ago, leaving our families behind. They are my sisters—my rocks—and I’m thankful everyday I have those women in my life. I can be my true self with them, free of judgement. A day’s worry is quickly washed away with loads of laughter and a good vent.”
“Of course—l’ve got some close friends living in New York, and I always imagine how different it would be raising kids there.”
For more on Ameilia and her family, follow her on Instagram.
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