50+ Beautiful Breastfeeding Pics To Mark National Breastfeeding Month
Written by Erin Feher
Photography by
Photographed by Sadie Wild Photography
It’s National Breastfeeding Month, and so we are guessing there are a few more uncovered breasts and suckling babes (and tots, and even big kids) in your social media feeds these days. That’s by design—while the decision to breastfeed or not is a personal one, for many, an unfamiliarity with what it entails or not seeing oneself represented in images of breastfeeding mamas is a driver in that choice. Seeing mothers of every color, shape, size, and experience can help women feel more empowered to make the decision for that is right for them, as well as destigmatize breastfeeding in public. That’s why we absolutely loved the process of reaching out to some of our favorite photographers and asking for their most beautiful breastfeeding images. What they responded with were hundreds of gorgeous, diverse images of women feeding their children. These photos represent all the beauty, pain, bliss, discomfort, joy, and struggle that breastfeeding entails. Click through to see them all.
For more photographs that will take your breath away, check out 30 of The Most Beautiful Moments in Birth Photography.
This article first appeared on MOTHER on August 22, 2019.
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