New Stats On Children & Divorce
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Photo Via Eldem Project
Divorce is something folks rarely want to go through. Add kids into the mix, and it makes things even more complicated. Each year, 1.5 million children in the U.S. will see their parents get divorced. And, because this event can cause varying degrees of trauma to the kids involved, there’s a new nifty infographic out that explores lots of stats revolving children and divorce, as well as a gathering of advice to curb any damage done. Check it all out here, as well as some of the most interesting bits we’ve pulled below.
-Couples with children divorce at a rate 40% lower than those without children.
-41% of first marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages, and 73% of third marriages.
-Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Oklahoma have the highest rates of divorce.
-New Jersey has the lowest rate of divorce.
-28% of children living with a divorced parent also live below the poverty line.
-The most common short-term emotional effects of divorce on children are guilt, aggression, depression, anger, lack of concentration, grief, and fear of abandonment.
-25% of adults with divorced parents experience serious emotional, social, and psychological trouble.
-Some keys to helping your child cope include being honest and clear with them about what is happening, putting on a united front, consider a group program and therapy, and giving your child a chance to express his or her feelings without judgement. (More tips here.)
Have any advice on helping your children weather your divorce to add to the mix? Share in our comments section below!
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