Meet The Dress-Making Mama-Of-One Christy Dawn Petersen
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photography by Katrina Dickson
There’s something timeless and captivating about vintage clothing—each piece seems to tell a story, and one dress-making mama knows this better than most. Christy Dawn Petersen, the creative force behind the Los Angeles label Christy Dawn, creates the most beautiful vintage-inspired dresses in limited quantities. We visited the talented designer and mother-of-one’s Santa Monica bungalow where she lives with her Survivor-winning husband, Aras, and their adorable 14-month-old son, River. Click into our slideshow below for a healthy dose of L.A. living and some cute clothes to boot!
"Earthy, relaxed, and cozy."
Christy wears The Dawn Dress from Christy Dawn, while River wears a hooded romper from Baby Gap.
- "The only thing that has changed are the toys scattered all around the house. We keep toys in every room, just in case."
- "I love our living room. It’s a nice open space with lots of natural light where we love to play on the floor, read, and cuddle."
- Mama-baby love.
- "There is one piece of art on our wall. It’s a framed picture of Buddha with the words, 'Thousands of candles can be lit by a single candle and the life of that candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases from being shared.' Everyday as I leave the house, I pass by the this beautiful reminder and take it with me, wherever I go. I purchased the poster in Thailand when I was 6 months pregnant. I hope it's something River incorporates in his world view."
- "Definitely our living room."
- "Less is more, in my opinion."
- Bumper sticker guitar.
- "Oh man, so much has changed! Well, for starters, I have never loved someone more in my entire life and didn't think it was possible to love this hard. I know everyone says that, but it's true and truly amazing! And on the other side, there's no such thing as 'me' time anymore. It took some time adjusting to that!"
- "My first shock was watching my body grow and then watching my body deliver a human! I was in awe of the power that resides in me, and in all women. I was surprised by how much work it is to be a mother! This stuff ain't easy!"
- "The amount of unconditional love that connects us is so abundant. There is no cap at the top!"
- "My mother would do anything for us kids, almost too much, to the point where we’d take advantage. I relate to her so much now that I have River, because you love your children so much that you literally will do anything and everything for them."
- "My best friend recently just lost her baby during birth and I think she is the strongest woman I’ve ever met. She has approached the life and death of her son with such grace."
- "Trust your instincts."
"Make time for both. In my opinion, the marriage has to come before motherhood, or else, both will fall apart."
Christy wears The Lily Dress by Christy Dawn.
- "I wish I was a better organizer. I’m also not the best at sprinting. For some, reason I have literally no fast-twitch muscle fibers in my body."
"My husband and I always said if we had a boy or girl, that his/her name would be River. His middle name is Juozas, which was Aras’ grandfathers name."
River wears a top by Emerson Apparel and bottoms were a gift from Paris from his Grandmother.
- "River would wake up around 7 am (as if that would ever happen), we eat some breakfast, and then walk over to the park for some sunshine and fresh air to start our day. We love to be outside, and since we live in LA, we get spoiled by the weather a lot! After the park, we would head home for nap time. When River wakes up, it's another adventure, maybe to the ocean. After his second nap, we head to our backyard, where we have a vegetable garden. River loves to help me tend to the veggies and soil. His favorite thing is handling the garden hose. After an afternoon in the backyard, we have a family dinner together. Aras hops in the bath with Riv and we get ready for bed."
- "Where do I start—I love his giggle, how playful he is, and his cuddles are the best!"
- "We go back and forth on this topic all the time. We aren’t planning a second child, but if it we were to get pregnant again, we’d be happy about it."
- Some of River's favorite reads.
- "Going to the park, play dates with friends, and swimming outside."
- "I love The Mama Circle and The Birth Stories."
- "Comfortable and colorful. I wear a lot of vintage floral dresses and my own dresses now!"
- "I love my vanilla musk perfume from Whole Foods. My La Mer eye cream is a savior for interrupted nights. My almond oil from L'Occotoine is what I put on my belly when I was pregnant and I can't stop using it because it smells divine!
- "I don’t have as much time to pick out an outfit, so I now wear whats most convenient and most comfortable. And no more whites!"
"My Dawn dress, my pair of old levis, and my chucks."
Christy wears The Lincoln Dress by Christy Dawn.
- "Again, I love dresses so I usually sneak into my store and steal one of my dresses and paint the town red (or more like, see a movie and go to dinner)!"
- "Now that I have my own clothing line, I have a new appreciation for how much work and energy goes into one piece. I love locally-made garments, shoes, etc. because you also know where it comes from and it's nice to support your local community. Although, I don’t shop much anymore, I do love San Francisco brand, First Rite, Ricardo Medina shoes, and Nu Swim."
- "I love General Store in Venice. Hannah has such an amazing eye and finds the most beautiful creations. Everything feels special and one-of-a-kind. I also love Etsy—the vintage is endless. Also, flea markets are fun. I like to feel the vintage and imagine where the garment has been before it got here."
- "Yeah! Who has time to shop when you have a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old business?"
- "I love Ricardo Medina shoes. They make the most beautiful handmade moccasins for adults and children. I can't wait to get a matching set for River and I. Also, Fawn and Cub makes the cutest baby changing mats for baby and mama!"
- "I have an dress line called Christy Dawn. We just opened a store in Venice on Lincoln Blvd. My husband and I run the company together. I do all of the design and Aras runs the business side of it. It’s a perfect fit."
- "I’ve always been a huge vintage junky and dreamed of starting a modern vintage inspired dress line. I modeled for years before I started designing on my own. I really needed a partner to help me with the business aspect and I ended up marrying him! Aras has his masters degree in business and owned a hat company for years before I met him, and one day I came home from a shoot and told him I was ready to start my own dress line. He agreed to be my partner. 6 months into Christy Dawn, he sold his hat company and joined me full-time. Ever since its been a growing success!"
- "I love creating beauty. Beautiful dresses, beautiful images, and beautiful spaces."
- "Before having a child, I was a bit hesitant and perhaps even a bit judgmental about parents who hired nannies to raise their children. Now, I understand that it's impossible to simultaneously work and care for a 14-month-old (unless your work is taking care of a 14-month-old). We have a wonderful nanny for River who spends about 20 hours a week with the little man. I am lucky enough to get to spend half of the day with my son and half of the day working. It is a nice balance."
- "I still really enjoy working, especially because I love what I do. I really feel like I have two babies—baby River, and the dress company. Both need lots of love, care, and attention."
- "We just opened a store on Lincoln Blvd in Venice. Come by and say hi!"
- "I love Santa Monica and see us here for a while. I could also move to Topanga Canyon or Ojai, as well. I like the idea of having more land and maybe some farm animals one day."
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