Meet Cindy Pulido, The Mama Behind Izzy & Ferd
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Photographed by Nicki Sebastian
Quirky, original patterns are our thing. So, when we first set eyes on the print-centric kids’ brand Izzy & Ferd just days after Mother’s launch in 2014, it was love at first sight (especially the jellyfish-print sweatsuit). Much to our delight, we just recently discovered that the mother-of-two behind the brand, Cindy Pulido, is just as cute and charming as the brand she helms with her husband. Below, we invited ourselves over to the Pulido house (also home to Joseph, 5, and Julia, 2) to get to know them all better. What we found was an inspiring family focused on hard work and plenty of fun (just take a look at that fairy door in the wall!).
- "We recently moved an hour south of West LA to a small beach town to be closer to my parents. The extra help from living near family has been invaluable, especially as we try to grow Izzy & Ferd. We decided to rent since we have hopes of returning to West LA once the kids are a bit older. It’s not too much of a sacrifice since we currently live near the beach."
- "Our space is minimal and eclectic. My husband Joe and I believe in supporting other small businesses. A lot of the newer items in our home are from independent brands that we love. Because a home should be a reflection of what you love and who you love, we have old books, paintings, and knick-knacks inherited from loved ones. There’s a beautiful lladro of flamenco dancers that we inherited from Joe’s grandparents. Joe and I used to go salsa dancing a lot when we were in college. It reminds us of our pre-kids days. In general, we’ve pared down a lot after our last move. We kept items that were meaningful or useful, and jettisoned the rest. The initial decluttering process was hard, but we’re glad we did it. The empty spaces invite play, rest, and creativity." Cindy wears a vintage shirt and Madewell jeans. Joseph wears an Izzy & Ferd Long Horn tee and Izzy & Ferd Gingham shorts. Julia wears an Izzy & Ferd Pecos Plains romper.
- "Forget about trends. Surround yourself with things that you love, things that make you happy. Recognize that it is ok for your space to change as you evolve and change. This means letting go of guilt when you get rid of things or transition things out."
- "The kids are welcome to play in every room—and they do! We have baskets in their room and little plastic bins under their bed to store their toys. Each toy has a designated 'home.' Once they’re done playing with a toy, they’re usually good about returning that item to its place."
- "Because the kids share a room, we tried to keep their space neutral. We made sure to incorporate items that reflect their interests (dinosaurs, blocks, etc.). There are stacks of books everywhere. We have little indoor plants in their room as well. I read somewhere that indoor plants are great air purifiers. Besides the health benefits, the plants add a nice vibrancy to the room. Our kids love to play make believe, so we have a little stereo in their room to set the stage for impromptu adventures. Every superhero needs his/her own soundtrack, right? I can’t tell you how many times the 'Imperial March' from Star Wars has played while the kids battle with their lightsabers."
- "A knob on the kids’ dresser recently broke. I found a vintage knob of a peace sign to replace the broken knob (even though it didn’t match the others). I like knowing that there’s a symbol of hope in their room, particularly amidst the chaos in the world right now. I also love the Bookhou flock mobile above Joseph’s bed [see previous slide]. The kids are constantly debating whether they are birds, butterflies, or a swarm of bees."
- "Our kids have always shared a room. We make sure to give them plenty of space to play by having only a few toys out at one time, that way they don’t feel cramped in the space. I think the truth of the matter is that we’ve been blessed with an older child who is a sound sleeper. In the early days, Joseph rarely, if ever, woke up when his baby sister was crying. These days, they’re happy for the company in the evenings. They take comfort in knowing that there is another person in the room with them."
- "We try to encourage the kids to use their imagination. The little fairy door appeared 'magically' one day. It can only be opened on the other side by a little fairy named Bluebell. She visits sometimes, leaving behind notes, and the occasional treat for the kids. Joseph and Julia love writing and drawing pictures for her. Because she visits more frequently when they’ve cleaned their room, the kids are getting better at putting away toys and making their beds."
- "Helping my kids grow into the people they were meant to be." An adorable robot horse from Monroe Workshop Toys.
- "On a large scale: our political climate, global warming, water shortages, and international relations. These are interconnected and have huge implications for all of us. It worries me how this will affect my kids as they grow up."
- "I had a pretty normal childhood. My parents had high expectations when it came to academics, but they always tempered that with fun. I read a lot as a kid. My best memories of childhood involved hanging out with some of my favorite characters from Anne of Green Gables, The Babysitters Club, and The Sweet Valley twins. I had a gaggle of cousins who I saw and played with daily. Just a lot of lazy afternoons daydreaming and playing in the backyard."
- "My parents valued hard work and had high standards of conduct for their kids. Joe and I are very much the same way with our kids. We expect them to be respectful and to work hard, but we also want them to have fun along the way."
- "Every parent and child has a natural rhythm to their relationship. Most times, I try to follow my instincts. But every so often, it’s nice to hear a new perspective that can sometimes bring clarity to how you parent. I really love Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish’s Siblings Without Rivalry and How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. I also love Anne Lamott’s Operating Instructions."
- "I feel a deeper sense of responsibility in my actions and inactions. It has motivated me to get more involved with causes that are important to me. It has challenged me to better understand experiences and perspectives that are different than my own."
- "I’m excited to raise kids who are good and decent human beings. Ones that are empathetic and understanding to both men and women. I want them to be compassionate and recognize that sometimes it is hard to be a man and sometimes it is hard to be a woman." Cindy wears a Madewell tee and Jesse Kamm pants.
- "Accept help that is offered. Having a child is a huge adjustment. Let people help you. They want to help you. And remember, you will sleep again!"
- "My husband is part Spanish, so we wanted a name that could be pronounced easily in both English and Spanish. Joseph Timothy and Julia Noelle fit the bill. Joseph is an old family name given to the first-born son of a first-born son. It seemed poetic to maintain the tradition. Joe and I have always loved the name Julia. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Noelle paired perfectly with Julia. Plus we loved how the 'L' in Julia, Noelle, and Pulido sounded together."
- "I was lucky and had great pregnancies with both of my kids. I had two miscarriages between Joseph and Julia. I think the devastation was lessened by having a great support system and friends who openly talked about their own experiences."
- "Accept help. Delegate. Prioritize. And be ok with the fact that done is better than perfect. Lastly, let your husband or significant other be a partner to you. It’s so easy to feel like you need to do it all."
- "I co-founded and run Izzy & Ferd, a kidswear brand. The company’s mission is to inspire kids to go out and explore the world. We design clothes that tell stories. Stories about who we are and who we want to be."
- "Every Izzy & Ferd collection is based on a story of discovery and adventure. We want our clothes to be portals to real and imaginary worlds. We begin with a story we want to tell. Then we imagine the cast of characters and the setting. Designing the prints is easy once we know how the story should visually play out."
- "I’m a Southern California girl, born and raised. I went to UCLA for my undergrad and USC for grad school. Although I’ve traveled to other places, California has always been home. I love the diversity of the people and the experiences here. I always knew that I wanted to do something creative, but never thought it was possible. It took having kids for me to gain the courage to start Izzy & Ferd."
- "I want my kids to be happy in their lives and to feel fulfilled. They’ve inspired me to live a more intentional life and to pursue work that is meaningful to me."
- "I had just wrapped up my MBA and was transitioning to a new corporate job when I had Joseph. This was pre-Izzy & Ferd. I was driven and ready to climb the corporate ladder. I remember going to a birthing class where everyone announced how much time they were going to take off for maternity leave. As the women responded 4-6 months, I remember thinking, 'Are you crazy? That is way too long!' It turns out that I was the one who was crazy. Because I recently started a new job, I could only take 6-8 weeks off for maternity leave. The time flew by and I was sobbing when I had to go back to work after 8 weeks. I’m now a huge proponent of policies, statewide and company-wide, that support time off for women and men who have just had a child. That time together is so important and you can’t get it back. I made sure to take more time off when I had Julia."
- "Being near my parents and siblings has been a blessing. My parents help watch the kids on the weekdays. Seeing my kids develop a strong bond with my parents has been heartwarming. We also have great friends, many who are in the medical field. You’re less inclined to feel worried when your kid is with your friend and she’s a pediatrician."
- "I love the ability to brainstorm crazy ideas and then getting to execute on those ideas. Watching a concept become a real product that hits the market is always the best feeling!"
- "The diversity in the people, the food, the ideas, and the places to visit."
- "We toy with the idea of moving out of state to Oregon, but every time I think of moving the kids away from their grandparents, I get a pang of sadness. Time moves so fast and the kids change and evolve just as quickly. I want my parents to experience them in the thick of it. I feel like my parents are getting to enjoy their grandkids in a way that they never got to enjoy their own kids, which I can appreciate now that I’m a parent."
- "We like to take the kids to the Long Beach Aquarium, the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, and the Children’s Garden at the Huntington Library. The Samuel Oschin Planetarium is amazing, too. Our kids still have a limited palate, so when Joe and I can sneak off alone, we love going to our favorite restaurants. We like to grab a Godmother Sandwich from the Bay Cities Italian Deli & Bakery and then head to the beach. Café Buna or 26 Beach is great for brunch. And for special occasions, we love The Bazaar. I still have dreams about the ceviche, it’s that good!"
- "I do a lot of shopping online. I like being able to filter my options. I get overwhelmed whenever I go to the mall these days. My favorite shops are Etsy, the General Store, and Need Supply."
- "It took me a long time to figure out my personal style. I err on the side of minimalism because clean lines and simple cuts tend not to overwhelm my petite frame. I love natural fabrics that drape well, like light cotton, silk, and linen. That doesn’t mean that I shy away from bright colors or patterns! I love both, but need to make sure that the cut of the item is well suited for my frame." Cindy wears an Isabel Marant romper.
- "I don’t wear high heels anymore. I used to love high heels. It’s just not practical when I’m trying to run after my kids. Plus, I’m at a disadvantage when we play tag!"
- "Blue jeans, linen t-shirts, Indian cotton dresses, and rompers."
- "It changes depending on my stage in life. I’ve always loved good vintage. Crocheted tops. Edwardian blouses. Broken in blue jeans. I really love Jesse Kamm’s sailor pants. They always make me feel put together. At 5’2, I appreciate anything that makes me look lean and tall(er)."
- "CeraVe face wash, almond oil for moisturizing, and La Roche-Posay sunscreen. I rarely wear make-up, but when I do, I use Urban Decay Naked Skin Beauty Balm, mascara, liner, and some Benefit Benetint Lip and Cheek Stain."
- "I love going on walks with my kids. I’ve been trying to stretch more. I feel myself losing flexibility the older I get! When I can, I head to the gym for running and light lifting. It doesn’t happen nearly enough, but I try not to be hard on myself. In terms of self-care, I’ve been trying to go to sleep earlier. I’m much better with 8-10 hours of sleep."
- "Me time is when the kids go to bed. I carve out at least an hour to read. I’m an introvert. I need and crave the time alone to recharge. Joe is good at recognizing this and giving me the space to decompress." For more on Cindy and Izzy & Ferd, be sure to follow her Instagram feed.
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