75+ Feminist Baby Names Inspired By Kick-Ass Women
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Photo Via Drake General Store
Have a baby girl bun in the oven? (Or a pet that needs naming?) Thanks to the legions of boundary-breaking women who have helped (and are still helping) propel women’s rights forward, there are no shortage of inspiring namesakes to choose from. From leading ladies in politics and literature to sports and music, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite feminist baby names inspired by kick-ass women. Naturally, there are hundreds of monikers that aren’t listed below, so feel free to add your own favorites or any biggies we left off in the comments.
Ada (Lovelace)
Alice (Paul, Waters)
Althea (Gibson)
Amelia (Earhart, Bloomer)
Angela (Davis)
Audre (Lorde)
Ayn (Rand)
Beatrix (Potter)
Bell (Hooks)
Bessie (Coleman)
Betty (Friedan)
Beyoncé (Knowles)
Billie (Jean King)
Carol (Burnett)
Carrie (Chapman Catt)
Coco (Chanel)
Diane (von Fürstenberg)
Dolores (Heurta)
Édith (Piaf)
Elizabeth (Cady Stanton)
Ella (Barker)
Emma (Goldman)
Emmeline (Pankhurst)
Eva (Peron)
Florence (Griffith-Joyner)
Frida (Kahlo)
Georgia (O’Keeffe)
Gloria (Steinem)
Grace (Jones, Coddington)
Harriet (Tubman)
Hazel (Scott)
Hillary (Clinton)
Ida (B. Wells)
Ina (May Gaskin)
Isadora (Duncan)
Jane (Goodall, Austen)
Joni (Mitchell)
Josephine (Baker)
Jovita (Idar)
Katharine (Hepburn)
Lena (Dunham)
Louisa (May Alcott)
Lucy (Parsons, Stone)
Mae (Jemison)
Malala (Yousafzai)
Margaret (Sanger)
Maya (Angelou)
Michelle (Obama)
Nellie (Bly)
Nora (Ephron)
Octavia (Butler)
Odetta (Holmes)
Olympe (de Gouges)
Patsy (Mink)
Patti (Smith)
Rosa (Parks)
Rosie (The Riveter)
Ruth (Bader Ginseberg)
Sally (Ride)
Serena (Williams)
Sheryl (Sandberg)
Simone (de Beauvior)
Sojourner (Truth)
Solange (Knowles)
Sonia (Sotomayor)
Susan (B. Anthony)
Temple (Grandin)
Ursula (K. LeGuin)
Valentina (Tereshkova)
Venus (Williams)
Virginia (Apgar, Woolf)
Willa (Cather)
Wilma (Mankiller)
Yoko (Ono)
Yuri (Kochiyama)
Zadie (Smith)
Zora (Neale Hurston)
For more baby name inspo, check out The Hottest Baby Names Of 2016, the Top Baby Names Of 2015, Mother’s Trending Baby Names Predictions, and 50 Flower-Inspired Baby Names.
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