Happy Mother’s Day From Us
Written by James Kicinski-McCoy
Photography by Photo courtesy of James Kicinski-McCoy
We’re sending giant Mother’s Day wishes to all of the mamas around the world. Biological mamas, step-mamas, mamas-to-be, adoptive mamas, foster mamas, mamas-in-law, grandmamas…you are all incredible! We hope you are showered with kisses and flowers today. Of course, we found it only appropriate to pay homage to our own mothers for their unconditional love and guidance. We adore you!
From James (seen above with her mother):
“My mother taught me to work hard and to appreciate the little things in life. She taught me strength, passion, and gratitude. She taught me the importance of sunscreen and good music. She taught me that we are always learning and growing no matter what our age. She taught me to love my children for who they are and the importance of family. While some of these things were taught in an unconventional way, they were taught to me all the same. I am a better woman because of my mother, and my appreciation for her heart and her struggles are immeasurable.”
From Katie (seen above, far left, with her grandmother, mother, and siblings):
“The best things my mother taught me are to treat people how you would like to be treated, to not really care what other people think about you, and how to use a microwave (or maybe that was my sister). All of these things, plus the way in which she and my father made me feel completely loved and supported are absolutely formative to the person (and mom!) I am today. I am so grateful.”
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