25 L.A. Mothers On Their Self-Care Survival Tips
Written by Erin Feher
Photography by Julia Chesky
Hot baths, long walks, podcasts, and reality T.V.—we asked 25 inspiring L.A. mamas what they do to care for themselves, and those were by far the most popular answers. The women were all out to celebrate (and glean tips from) superstar doula and LOOM co-founder Erica Chidi Cohen, who just launched an online birth course based on her bestselling book, Nurture—the non-judgmental, option-filled, evidence-informed guide written to support women on their unique journey to motherhood. Self-care was the topic of the panel at LOOM, which featured Geri Hirsch, TyLynn Nguyen, Kelly LeVeque and Ashley Hinton. Guests including Deepika Chopra, Katherine Kleveland, Zoila Darton, and Kelly McKnight shared their honest and revealing thoughts on staying balanced while on motherhood’s wild ride. Click through the slideshow below to read them all.
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