3 Moms On Making Their Indoor Play Spaces Extra-Inspiring
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Kids across the globe are spending a lot more time at home these days, which means our spaces are multi-tasking more than ever—as play areas, homeschool set-ups, and much more! Of course, when it comes to your house being turned into a full-time romper room, toys that multi-task themselves (and look good while doing it) are ideal. Which is where Wiwiurka comes in.
The inspiring, Mexico-based company was born in 2010, when founder Marek Schultz started crafting toys for his family from scraps of wood leftover from his tree-trimming sessions (at the time, his full-time profession). In the 10 years since, his wife Ana has joined him to create a brand focused on beautiful, sustainable children’s furniture and play things, that promote open-ended exploration and aid gross motor development.
Wiwiurka‘s breadth of heirloom-quality products—including climbing ramps, swings, and balance boards—are now a hit with design-minded families around the globe, thanks to their aesthetically pleasing nature that fits seamlessly into pretty much any space.
Need proof? Click through our slideshow to find out how three mothers—Kristen Lopez of California, Brenda Stearns of Ohio, and Rio van der Oest of The Netherlands—use Wiwiurka in their spaces, as we discuss their philosophies on play, the current state of their respective cities (in regards to lockdown restrictions), and the silver linings they’ve found in all this time at home with their littles.
Plus, if you like what you see, head over to Wiwiurka.com and enter MOTHERMAG10 at checkout to score 10% off their stunning goods.
This article is brought to you by Mother x Wiwiurka.
What are you and your family up to this summer?
"Summer looks a little different this year, so we’ve been looking for creative ways to stay busy. Nature walks, lots of swimming in our pool, bike riding, crafting, FaceTime, baking, and we have a couple camping trips planned!" What have been the biggest challenges—and silver linings—of being on lockdown with your kids?
"A typical summer includes many playdates, sleepovers at grandparents' houses, and a few trips planned. So, with all the changes, the biggest challenge has been social distancing from family and friends—the kids miss them dearly. We’re thankful for technology these days, yet the absence of physical touch has been challenging. We’ve also had to cancel our travel plans. Honestly, in the beginning, working from home, distance learning for kids, and having a toddler running around was a difficult balance. Yet, the silver lining has been more family time together and slower, less scheduled days. We really needed this." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka.
Tell us about the Wiwiurka items that you have in your home.
"We have the XXL Rocker and Foldable Triangle with the Reversible Ramp." What do your kids love best about them?
"They love the creative versatility and having a play set they can climb and balance on indoors! Some other ways the kids use their Wiwiurka set are adding pillows and blanket to make forts, a playhouse, lounger, obstacle course, race car track, and a kitchen and store counter." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka.
What do you love best about them?
"I love the quality and watching the creative possibilities the kids come up with for their Wiwiurka toys. Climbing also helps develop gross motor skills, balance, coordination, agility, problem solving skills, and confidence. The bonus is they are aesthetically pleasing and blend in well with our home decor and style!" Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka.
What's your philosophy when it comes to your kids and play?
"My philosophy when it comes to kids and play is learning through imaginative play and outdoor exploration. I think imaginative play boosts creativity, problem solving skills, and allows kids to experiment with various social roles. Outdoor exploration encourages physical activity, improves social, emotional, and mental health, as well as making connections to the world around them and learning to appreciate nature and our planet." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka.
Any tips for other mamas looking to keep their homes looking great while having kids?
"A minimal amount of toys and organization has helped us a ton in terms of toy tidying-up and our attempt to keep spaces clutter-free. We donate clothes, household items, and toys about twice a year to make room for anything new coming in our home. We also try to be intentional about buying toys. Asking questions like, 'will this be something they will play with daily? Is it educational? Do we have a place to store it?' Lastly, I like to involve the kids in the organization process, especially in their own spaces, like their bedroom and play area. This way they figure out what is most practical and functional for them. Having a 'home' for everything is something the kids have learned and it definitely helps when it’s cleanup time!" Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka.
What's your city like right now in regards to COVID-19?
"Recently, our county numbers have spiked and we’ve been careful about going out to restaurants, shopping in stores, visiting with family and friends, etc. Schools plan to reopen, yet this week we received notice that schools may remain closed until the COVID-19 numbers decrease. In the fall, I will continue to work from home and we have made the difficult decision to enroll our kids in the online school academy to maintain consistency, structure, and safety for our kids. Luckily, our school district will allow families to reassess at every trimester and decide whether or not to send their children back to school. We’re remaining hopeful—our kids miss school, activities, their teachers, and friends!" XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka. Keep following along with Kristen and her family of 7 here.
What are you and your family up to this summer?
"We might go for a little roadtrip through our own country, maybe a bit further if the situation lets us. And if we happen to stay at home all summer, we will got to the beach as often as possible—it is inly a 10 minute bike ride away!"
What have been the biggest challenges—and silver linings—of being on lockdown with your son?
"The biggest challenge was combining working from home with homeschooling. Juggling all the time between being a mom, colleague, and teacher, and the impossibility of giving any of those roles enough attention. We did enjoy our time at home together, though. We started a kitchen garden, renovated a bit, and baked a lot of cakes. Simple things got even more value." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
Tell us about the Wiwiurka items that you have in your home.
"We are proud owners of the Foldable Triangle in Rainbow Colors." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
What do you love best about it?
"I love how it is so versatile. We come up with new ways for play every time. And it is beautifully made, so it is allowed to stay in the living room even when it is not in use." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
What does Mosi love best about it?
"He loves how he can change it every time and by himself. He uses it as a slide, but also as a ramp for his cars. At first he was a bit scared to climb to the top bars, but now he comes up with new tricks like standing on one foot. We also made up a little game with the colors. I tell him what color he should put his feet and hands on, and he has to do it. And, of course, the triangle gets used as a little tent a lot." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
Your home is so beautiful and vibrant! Do you have a décor philosophy?
"I love to have a happy home, with a mix of colors and lots of plants. Plants are great for the air, give peace of mind, and a sense of nature in your home. And they look great, of course! Also, I love color, but I naturally go for a palette of earthy tones like terra, green, and ochre, with a pop of bright colors like pink or yellow. Besides the plants and the colors, I also believe you should really live in your house, so the living room is as much my place as it is my son's and there are toys all around. But as I like to pick pretty and mostly wooden toys, I almost like it as much as he does." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
What about your philosophy when it comes to children and play?
"My son is very creative and actually plays most with sticks and stones he finds and carries in his pockets all the time. I tried to match this interest with the toys I buy for him, but the stuff he finds himself always wins over the very nice toys I buy. The toys he likes most are the ones he can create his own play with. So, that is the Wiwiurka Triangle, and also his trapeze and balance board are big favorites. He also likes to dress up and has a big imagination. Big cardbord boxes are made into shops or dog houses that he comes up with himself. I only have to go with it. And that is really just what I try to do when we play, I try to go with him as much as is possible. Most of the time it ends up in making a big mess and a very happy child." Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
What's The Hague like right now in regards to COVID-19?
"We are almost back to normal. Schools have been open for weeks already, but I'm still working from home. We are going to restaurants again, can visit our family like we used to, and if it wasn't for the mouth masks and social distancing, you would almost forget what is happening around the world. This summer holiday will be different than the ones before, but we will try to enjoy it as much as possible, because who know what fall will bring. Fingers crossed it will all go well!" Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. Keep following along with Rio and her family of 3 here.
What are you and your family up to this summer?
"Staying at home and getting our home projects done. We are renovating our kitchen, made some changes to our play/school room, and have other random house projects here and there. My husband also set up a pool in our backyard, so we’ve been soaking up the sun and loving the warmer days." Is Dayton still in lockdown?
"They’ve lifted the stay-at-home order about a month ago. I believe they are now requiring masks when going outside in certain cities. I am not sure about schools yet. We homeschool our kids, so I haven’t looked into local public school news. Restaurants are open, so are zoos and other public places. We have always been homebodies, so we just stay at home as much as possible. We go out for groceries and basic things like that."
What have been the biggest challenges—and silver linings—of being quarantined with your kids?
"To be honest, our life hasn’t changed much. We are so used to being home, we homeschool, and so the only place we truly miss is the local library. We have been blessed to have my husband work from home, so it’s been really nice having him here and being together more. The kids do miss going to children’s museums and family outings, but we still try to go on a nature walks when the weather permits." Foldable Triangle, $275, Wiwiurka.
Tell us about the Wiwiurka items that you have in your home.
"We have two Climbing Triangles and Slides and the XXL Rocker Balance Board." What do your kids love best about them?
"Their favorite is the Rocker. They love using it as a fort, they flip it and pretend is a boat, they use it as a teeter-totter, they’ve even rocked baby Benjamin to sleep on it a few times!" What do you love best about them?
"I love the handmade quality, the colors, the aesthetics, and how sturdy they are!" Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka.
What's your philosophy when it comes to your kids and play?
"Play is 80% of what they do. We love intentional free play and as a parent I encourage that. They like to play independently, but for the most part they’re always together. It’s like the perfect play day every day. That's the perk of having lots of siblings!" Any tips for other mamas looking to keep their homes looking great while having kids?
"One of the things that triggers my anxiety is clutter, so when shopping for toys and things for my children, I want them to be functional, but also to look good in my home. We stay away from battery-operated, electronic toys that are loud as much as possible. I like to get natural, Montessori-style toys that will ignite their imagination and curiously. We have a room designated for toys and play and we make it appealing and accessible for the kids. It helps keep the 'mess' in one room." XXL Rocker Balance Board, $365, Wiwiurka. Foldable Triangle With Reversible Ramp, $465, Wiwiurka. Keep following along with Brenda and her family of 7 here.
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