18 Tips On Staying Healthy During Flu Season
Written by Leith Tigges
Photography by Shiva Rose, Photographed By Katrina Dickson
We spend precious time and energy trying to prevent illness in every way possible, especially during cold and flu season. And, with good reason! Having sick kids or fighting off bugs ourselves is just no fun. This winter has been especially bad in the sickness department, so it’s vital to take extra caution preventing germs and keeping the whole household as healthy as possible. Below, we’ve gathered 18 beneficial ways to boost your immune system and keep the bugs at bay. And, as a bonus, they’re all natural, too!
Elderberry Juice
Elderberries have been known to be an incredible immune system booster! The powerful liquid also doubles as a flu and cold relief, alleviation for your sinuses, and known combatant of fatigue. You and your family can depend on this super-juice to up your antioxidants and fight infection this season. Still unsure? Be sure to read up on the healing power of this magical elixir.
Essential Oils
It’s easier than every to find pre-curated essential oil blends in order to help boost the immune system. You can even combine your favorite oils to make your own! For starters, try lavender and lemon to kick your immune system up a few notches. Pro tip: Rub the oils onto the soles of your feet for a quick fix.
Get Your Greens
Juices and smoothies aren’t just delicious, they’re perfect for fighting the flu! Treat your body right, and protect it from infection and germs all at the same time. If you’re giving these green treats to the kids, too, try masking any bitter taste by throwing in a sweet fruit such as pineapple or mango.
Make Way For Probiotics
Probiotics are having a moment, and we can see why! Between kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut, fermented foods packed with probiotics such as these are great for the gut, not to mention both your digestive and immune system. The natural bacteria in probiotics is great for your overall health, so be sure to stock up.
Call On The Neti Pot
Nasal irrigation isn’t just great for colds, it’s also a saving grace for preventing colds. Neti pots can help to relieve any cold symptoms and clear out congestion in the sinuses, and it helps to keep pesky allergy symptoms at bay. However, if you give this method a try, be sure to use sterile water.
Give Ginger, Turmeric, and Garlic a Try
These gems are the original immune boosters. Known for their ancient healing properties, these powerful foods stimulate your cells. Like elderberry juice, you can count on ginger, turmeric, and garlic to provide power-packed antioxidants.
Get Moving!
The benefits of exercise are truly endless, as physical activity is great for your exterior, and even better for your insides. Exercise strengthens you and changes your cells, helping to fight off disease by keeping you healthy and strong. Not only that, but exercise aids in beating stress, which is great, because unhealthy levels of stress can lead to sickness.
Catch Some Rays
Does Vitamin D trump any and all vaccines out there? Some experts say so! Everything in moderation is key, but your body needs some Vitamin D, as it boosts your mood and fights off infection. So, even if the temperatures are still below you’re liking, get outside for a walk or a bit of fresh air—just don’t forget the sunscreen, as even the chilliest of days won’t protect you from the sun’s sometimes harsh rays!
Hit Snooze
It’s hard to take care of others when you’re too tired to take care of yourself. Experts recommend a solid seven to eight hours of sleep per night to allow your body to fully rest, and for your cells to repair themselves. Sleep deprivation makes your body more susceptible to illness, so grab your pillow and get ready to work in more hours of snooze! And, if your schedule doesn’t allow for the recommended eight hours of rest, why not opt for a power nap?
When All Else Fails, Chicken Noodle Soup
For years we’ve relied on chicken noodle soup as the ultimate comfort meal, and recent studies have shown that the healing properties aren’t just in our heads. The combination of hearty, delicious ingredients spells out anti-inflammatory, and the soothing broth works hard to fight off germs and infection.
Take De-Stressing Seriously
We understand that it’s way easier said than done, but unhealthy amounts of stress wreak havoc on our bodies, and the calmer you are, the more your immune system will thank you. Try unplugging from technology for a bit, or get some fresh air and take a hike. Clear your mind and focus on the good. Your body is sure to thank you for it!
Sip Some Tea
We recommend sipping on some green, chamomile, or echinacea tea. All three flavors have major health benefits and are incredibly calming for your system. What’s more, these drinks are bursting with antioxidants and can help prevent sickness. So, bottoms up!
Research a Few Supplements
It’s no secret: there are many different supplements on the market. So, for starters, we definitely recommend doing your research to find what’s best for you and your family. However, if you’re looking for a well-rounded place to get going, why not start with testing probiotics, Vitamin C, and spirulina?
Take a Shot! (Of Apple Cider Vinegar)
ACV is a tried and true method that nearly all nutritionists swear by. This is the good (and strong) stuff, and it works. If the taste is too much to handle, try diluting your shot with a few ounces of water (or coconut water!) to help it go down easier. The acidic drink might burn a bit, but the health benefits are worth it. Apple cider vinegar is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, eases digestion, and helps your gut, much like probiotics.
Up Your Water Intake
You’ve heard this one a million times, but it’s true! Water flushes out toxins and keeps your skin healthy and your body hydrated, so all the more reason to chug.
Focus On Your Breathing
Using meditation techniques to focus on your breath and clear your mind can lead to a healthy body. Try taking five minutes to yourself each day to calm your mind and find some balance. Take deep breaths and let yourself zone out, or try some feel-good stretches. Moving your body doesn’t have to be strenuous work to do it some good!
Bone Broth
This germ-fighting broth is known as the latest super elixir amongst foodies! And, it is especially popular amongst those testing out primal eating. Like chicken noodle soup, bone broth features healing properties that your body is begging for. And, the amino acids within the broth might be just what your body needs to fight off a seasonal cold.
Ward Off Germs
Forming healthy hygiene habits is key to fighting off infection, and this goes for the whole family. Be sure to wash hands frequently with an anti-bacterial soap to keep germs at bay, and disinfect door knobs, handles, keyboards, and more with natural disinfectants. Because, remember: a healthy body is a happy body!
For even more tips and tricks on staying healthy and beating sickness this winter season, be sure to check out How To Cheer Up A Sick Kiddo and The Best Essential Oil Uses For Home, Beauty, and Wellness.
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