40 Baby Shower Gifts To Send Now
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
One of the many bummers of sheltering in place during 2020 is the lack of in-person celebrations—especially those toasting new mamas and babies on the way. Thankfully, expecting families have gotten creative, hosting drive-by parties and Zoom-based baby showers to properly share in the excitement of the birth of a new baby and the birth (or rebirth) of a new mother. To complement these remote celebrations, we’ve pulled together some of our favorite baby shower gifts to send when you can’t be there IRL. From practical goods (witch hazel pads and postpartum panties) to more indulgent gifts and pint-sized baby items that are too cute not to scoop up, we’ve got 40 sweet presents to consider, right here!
Want more baby and new mama gift inspo? Check out these baby shower gifts under $35, plus a hospital bag checklist for the minimalist.
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