40+ Pics From The DockATot Cabana Launch Party
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Emily Scott
Summer’s here and the sun is out! To celebrate, DockATot just launched its Cabana Kit—a protective sun cabana that one can combine with the DockATot Deluxe+ to keep baby shaded while you’re out and about enjoying the outdoors. So, if you’ve ever wanted to hit the beach or the park with your infant’s coziest accessory, now you can, thanks to The Cabana Kit‘s retractable cabana made of 50+ SPF UV fabric, a fitted waterproof bottom that protects your DockATot from the ground, and a hideaway mosquito net to keep bugs at bay.
To toast DockATot’s latest innovation, we gathered some of our favorite Bay Area moms of babies to get a first-hand look at one of summer’s most sought after accessories. Flip through our 40+ party pics below to find out more about how The Cabana Kit works and also get the 4-1-1 on the summer plans of our inspiring attendees.
To note: Due to popular demand, The Cabana Kit is currently sold-out, but customers can sign up for a waitlist to be alerted when it’s back in stock later in June.
This post is brought to you by Mother + DockATot.
- The location: Natalie B. Designs' beautiful "secret garden" in San Francisco.
- DockATot's new Splash Cabana Kit, created just for the Deluxe+, this new must-have for your dock has a retractable UV-protected shade of 50+ SPF, shielding your baby from the sun and other elements to make your time at the beach, lake, or park even more relaxing.
- Early arrivals Surya Kishi Grover of Tosan and Angela Tafoya of Lonny.
- Chatting it up, as guests start trickling in.
- Mama of two Daphne Palomares brought her newborn son, Oisin.
- Oisin cozied up in DockATot's new Nightfalls Cabana Kit. With a fitted bottom to protect your dock from the ground and stow-away mosquito net, the Cabana will make every outing with your baby a breeze.
- Surya's newborn son Masaharu tries The Cabana Kit on for size, too.
- Snuggly success!
- A bird's-eye-view of our yummy spread.
- A combo of healthy...
- ...and indulgent!
- A beautiful day—and best location—for a party.
- All of our guests picked out a posey for themselves to take home.
- Eenie meenie miney mo.
Mama friends Carrie Caillouette, Hadley Kretiz, and Dana Haim catch up.
- Natalie B. always brings it with the blooms.
Expecting mama Leslie Wang Su, Mother founder Katie Hintz-Zambrano, and McMullen owner Sherri McMullen.
Naomi Phan-Quang and her adorable daughter, Cole.
- Our big-girl attendees checking out the play nook, accessorized with Lovevery and Manhattan Toy Company goodies.
DockATot's Roma Patel showing how The Cabana Kit works.
- Breathe whisperer Ashley Neese's son is just the right age for the Cabana.
- And another pic of 8-month-old Solomon Lyon just because.
- New friends and old friends—Tami Busia, Surya Kishi Grover, and Mother's Erin Feher.
- Fun at the kid's table.
- Peaceful vibes all around.
- While we had all of these wonderful women in one place, we got the low-down on their summer 2019 goals and plans.
- Sherri McMullen, owner of McMullen and mother to Frederick, 3: "This summer, we will travel to Paris and the French Riviera. It’s a tradition for us since Frederick was 3 months old. Paris holds a special place in my heart, as Frederick was conceived there this same time of the year."
Deb Heyrana, artist, and mother to Rowe, 2, and Quinn, 6: "We have a lot of family and friends visiting, so we decided to be local this summer. Show them why we're in love with Northern California! My biggest goal this summer is a lot of unplanned days with the girls. We'll see what we're in the mood for and where the weather will take us. I'm just looking forward to them being kids and how exciting it is that I get to be part of it."
Surya Kishi Grover, founder of Tosan and mother to Mikio, 6, Isao, 2, and Masaharu, 5 months: "We finally got our yard into usable shape, so we plan on spending every chilly second of this San Francisco summer outside. We’ll escape for a couple weeks to the heat of my parents’ house in the Central Valley, but besides that, just hunkering down and enjoying home."
- Aubriana Kasper MacNiven, co-founder of Marigold, and mother to Margaret, 2 months: "Being a new mom and small business owner, my goal this summer is to find a healthy and happy balance in work and family life. Our big summer vacation is sailing around the French Polynesia for my father-in-law's 70th birthday. The Cabana Kit couldn't have come at a more perfect time for us!"
- Leslie Wang Su, mother to Oliver, 2 1/2, and a baby girl on the way: "My goal is to have a sweet and very S-L-O-W summer, spent outside and near water as much as possible. This might sound fatalistic, but it's my last few months of just Oliver and me—before baby girl arrives in September!—and all I want to do is savor and cherish the simplicity in that."
- Juvilynn Arbuthnot, stenographer and mother to Sebastian, 8, Skylar, 4, and Stella, 2: "We're just settling into our new home in Marin and welcoming our baby boy in August! So, this summer I'll be pretty low-key blissing out and enjoying some long-awaited warm weather. I might attempt a short trip or two, definitely with a DockATot in tow!"
- Ashley Neese, author of How To Breathe, and mother to Solomon, 8 months: "This summer I am taking lots of time off work to spend time with my family. Our sweet little son just turned eight months old and his first year is flying by. I want to stretch time this summer by slowing down and hanging out in nature. We're planning restful days at home in the yard, adventures in the Redwoods, and plenty of open-ended time to simply be in the sunshine together."
- Naomi Phan-Quang, founder of Clove & Whole, and mother to Mateo, 10, Luke, 7, Abel, 6, and Cole, 3: "This summer we have our first real camping trip planned—all six of us in a tent! It’s an amusing thought. We’re not what you would consider to be the quintessential 'camping family' type. Hopefully this first experience will change that!"
- Tami Busia, mama to Zella Grace, 15 months: "My goal for the summer is to center myself in being more in the moment with my little and enjoying every moment of her growth. Also to spend even more time outside and teaching her to explore the whole world around her."
Dana Haim, textile designer, and mother to Orion, 3, and Lucca, 3 months: "Our big summer plans are to spend as much time enjoying family and the beach as we can. For me personally, I’d love to get some time to recharge after baby No. 2, which means a lot of yoga, pilates, juicing, resting, reading, and doing a whole lotta nothing. I’d also really love to carve out more time for work now that the baby’s routine is starting to take shape a bit. Gathering ideas and inspiration for future projects is definitely on my agenda."
Anjelika Temple, creative director at Brit+Co, and mother to Anokhi, 2, and a baby girl on the way: "I want to be outside playing with my family as much as possible this summer! Also, I'm in major prep mode for baby #2—arriving early August!—so I'm trying to remember to take time for myself as well. It can be easy to forget that self-care benefits my fam as much as it benefits me. Oh, and trying to finally put art up on the walls of our newish home."
- Lea Sabado, co-founder of Excelsior Coffee, and mother to Cruz, 1: "My plans for the next 3-4 months are pretty boring! I would say I'm putting my muscle in that hustle. My main goal is to establish and run the show at my shop, Excelsior Coffee. I will be doing all the 'behind the scenes' things, such as hiring, retaining, and inspiring my staff, which I consider the next generation of coffee lovers and enthusiasts. For the next couple of months, you can find me at the coffee bar establishing the Excelsior Coffee culture and vibe, meeting our neighborhood/residents/school parents, and as aforementioned, having my staff follow my lead so that eventually, they can operate on their own. We're having our first photo exhibit showcasing two local photographers, Travis Jenson and Rasta Dave, on June 27, followed by The Moto Social 'Ride In' on Tuesday, August 20. After all this, I'll be back on the saddle riding my motorcycle for an all-women's motorcycle campout called Babes Ride Out. On that ride, I'll disconnect and reset, hang out with my bad-ass friends, drink tequila maybe, do a little karaoke, and then head back to S.F. for real life all over again!"
Natalie Bowen, florist, and mother to Friday, 2 1/2, and Hawk, 1: "My favorite plan for the summer is to go to Cape Cod, where we plan on swimming twice a day and just relaxing for awhile. My goals for the summer are to read one book that is not self-help or child-rearing focused, prep for my floral shoe collab with Freda Salvador, be the first one in the water (not the usual last) at least once during the summer, and try and laugh things off a bit more."
Lauren Podoll, co-founder of The Podolls, and mother to Dashiell, 7, and Ione, 2 1/2: "This summer I hope to spend lots of family time outside enjoying nature—hikes, beach days, berry picking! We love taking day trips outside of S.F. to search for sunshine when our city is covered in fog. We also take an annual trip to visit family back east and look forward to warm evenings chasing fireflies with cousins—the best!"
- Carrie Caillouette, founder of Half Hitch Goods and mother to Lela, 2 1/2, and a baby girl on the way: "I'm looking forward to tending our garden—we’ve planted some gorgeous veggies, herbs, and florals. Also, we are having a baby girl in July. Meanwhile, our first little one, Lela, starts preschool and will be learning how to swim. If the stars align, we might take a trip to the Pacific Northwest during the glory season of August. It sure feels like up here in Northern California once the soil dries out and the sun shines. Summer is such a productive time, but also very family oriented and joyful."
Susan Work, co-founder of Homework Design, and mother to Cy, 22 months: "After the long winter we’ve endured, we plan to be slathered in SPF chasing warm weather and the sun on as many warm beaches as possible—preferably in Spain, Hawaii, and Tahoe, but most likely on the eastern shore and in our very own town just 10 minutes from our house."
Erin Hiemstra, founder of Apartment 34, and mother to Carter, 4: "I’m taking my entire family on our first European adventure and crossing my fingers it doesn’t turn out like National Lampoon!"
- Roma Patel, head of marketing for DockATot, and mom to Ari, 4, and Tej, 14 months: "Me and my boys will be hitting up every museum, farmer’s market, and trail we can find! We try to squeeze in one, big family trip every year so we’re heading to Iceland this summer. I’ll also be hitting the road for some exciting new launches for DockATot and our new brand Aristot."
- Priscilla Vega, PR powerhouse and mother to Ina, 6, and Ozzy, 2: "My 2019 summer plans/goals consist of lots of lazy at-home pool days and a few not-so-lazy camping days at some local beaches here in Southern California. The summer school juggle is real, so we're going to try to make the most of the wacky schedule and squeeze in as much family/fun time as possible."
- The Mother crew, signing off!
But not before a peek at our take-home gifts, including a Solly Baby wrap, Doddle teether, Oat Mama tea, Birdling Bags zipper pouch, and Sconset SPF.
For more on the The Cabana Kit and to pre-order your own, head over to DockATot.
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