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Photographed by Nicki Sebastian
Mother Stories

Sustainably-Minded Mama Ari Surya On Newborn Life, Self-Care, & More!

Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano

Photography by Nicki Sebastian

Our hearts go out to all the mamas during 2020, and especially those who have spent their pregnancies and those precious (and intense!) first weeks and months of motherhood in relative isolation. One such mother is Ari Surya, an L.A.-based writer, artist, and reiki practitioner who gave birth to her first child at the end of September, and has been documenting her journey beautifully and honestly via Instagram.

Recently, we caught up with the sustainably-minded mama to discuss self-care during the newborn days, postpartum depression, and more, as she and her fiancé Tundae Mena (a fellow creative) took the modern and eco-friendly Esembly diapering system for a spin. Modeled adorably by their 2 1/2-month-old son Marley Xen Olufemi, Esembly makes it simple to take on the somewhat daunting task of cloth diapering—all thanks to its effective, good-looking, and Earth-friendly 4-part system of diapering, laundering, skincare, and storage.

Check it all out and meet this inspiring family, right here!

This article is brought to you by Mother x Esembly.

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