Coffee With…Margherita Maccapani Missoni Amos
Written by Katie Hintz-Zambrano
Photography by Piotr Niepsuj & Courtey of Margherita Missoni
With a long line of matriarchs behind its fashion empire—Rosita, Angela, and Margherita, included—we’ve always admired the Missoni brand. In fact, the Italy-based business seems almost as well-known for its vibrant knits as its rich family culture, which really warms our heart. Continuing this impressive legacy is the aforementioned Margherita Maccapani Missoni Amos, a third-generation designer and mother of toddler Otto, who recently launched her own independent line, Margherita Kids. On the verge of giving birth to her second child, the talented thirty-something mama sat down with Mother for a steaming cup and quick chat.
How do you take your coffee (or tea)? “I usually take tea in the morning, a few cups, often just plain herbal tea, no sugar, no milk. I save espresso for after lunch and I like it bitter.”
How do you treat yourself? “A trip to the spa, a nice dinner with girlfriends, new shoes. Massages are part of my weekly routine and there’s nothing I’m longing for more than a fun dinner with friends post-pregnancy.”
Flats or heels? “Flats.”
Early bird or night owl? “Early bird.”
What time do you wake up each morning? “Lately super early, like 6 a.m.”
Favorite book? “My favorite book would have to be Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. And I’m currently reading Fratelli d’Italia by Arbasino.”
Favorite film? “I love the films of Wes Anderson, Ferzan Ozpetek, and Fellini.”
What’s the best piece of motherhood advice you’ve received? “Don’t listen to advice.”
What excites you most about motherhood? “The constant flow of love.”
What makes you most nervous about motherhood? “The fragility of newborns.”
What’s your go-to family meal recipe? “Gnocchi with tomato.”
What’s one of your best childhood memories? “Playing in the atelier with pieces of fabric and pencils.”
What’s been the best part about launching a kids’ line? “The satisfaction of watching a project, all of my own, come to life.”
What’s up next for you? “I’m due to give birth any day now, so I guess there’s a lot up next for me!”
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