An Inspiring Campaign Featuring Kids of All Abilities
Written by Erin Feher
Photography by
Photographed by Priscilla Gragg
Slowly but surely, the advertising industry is adjusting course and including a wider degree of diversity in its campaigns. But Katie Driscol, who founded Changing the Face of Beauty, thinks a little nudge in the right direction doesn’t hurt. Her non-profit organization advocates for brands to feature people of all abilities in their campaigns, and for a recent project, she brought together an all-star team—all of whom dedicated their time and talent—in order to create a gorgeous fashion editorial for shoe company Livie & Luca featuring a cast of incredible kids. The full editorial was styled by Mother favorite Amy Soderlind, art directed by Danielle Moore, and ran in the most recent issue of Hooligans, a high-style kiddie fashion mag.
“We work in an industry that is hyper focused on beauty and at times unrealistic ideals of perfection,” says Katie Patterson, who produced the shoot and is the founder of Lola Creative. “This project allows us to show that beauty comes in many forms, faces, and with a variety of features. The industry has come a long way but we can do more. We can make kids with disabilities feel represented and reflected in commercial advertising. We all deserve to feel included.” In order to cast the models, Katie used social media to scout fresh faces and tapped the contacts of Changing the Face of Beauty as well. One little girl, Lydia, ended up flying from the Midwest to San Francisco to participate in the photo shoot.
When photographer Priscilla Gragg was approached to participate in the project, she signed on immediately. “I grew up in Brazil and played with Barbie dolls my entire childhood—then as a teenager, I saw all the models in magazines looking just like Barbies. You internalize it—you want to be just like them,” she says. “The industry has changed since then, and I’m excited that we are starting to see different ethnicities represented, different shapes and forms…but now we need to turn our eye towards inclusion of people with disabilities. The industry is still a bit shy about it. I would love to see model agencies casting for not only kids with Down Syndrome but also kids with different types of disabilities—vision or hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities, autism, limb differences, and so on. I would love for moms and dads of kids with special needs to see this and be inspired to consider a modeling career for their child as well. My goal with our project is that it turns into a conversation starter, an eye opener, and a hope to the future of many.”
Click through the whole slideshow below to read quotes from the inspiring models (and a even a few from their amazing mothers).
For more on kids with different abilities, peep our features on mamas Elena Fong, Amanda Booth, Lauren Noel, Amy Webb, Cindy DiPrima, Gena Mann, and Kassi Basquet, check out these25 books that inspire empathy, and read this essay about how one mother helped her daughter reimagine her walker
- "Some people don’t think I can do things, like basketball, but I do it anyways. Almost nothing stops me.” –Giana
- “Yeah, my smile makes me awesome!” –Claire
Claire wears a Misha and Puff Wool Popcorn Sweater, Misha and Puff Wool Popcorn Shorts, and Dr. Martens Boots.
- "I am the same as my friends, because I want to be happy, and learn new things." –Jordan
Jordan wears a Kenzo Beanie, and Milk & Biscuits Metallic Bomber.
"Sienna is a superhero. She has not given up since the day she was born and keeps proving everyone wrong with her strength.” –Sienna's mom, Karyn
Sienna wears a Brixton Fiddler Hat, Petits Vilains Cotton Short Overalls, and Polder Cotton Tulle Turtleneck.
- "What makes me awesome is I keep playing, even if I fall down." –Wyatt
- Wyatt wears a Burberry Shirt, Burberry Pants, and Livie & Luca Shoes.
- “I’m the same as anybody else—I just want to love and be loved.” –Viena
Viena wears a Victorian Vintage Dress, Vintage Beret, and Converse Shoes.
- Dancing queen.
- "I’m only different because I can shake things off that others hold onto. I just live in the moment and don’t worry. I’m a free spirit with lots of love to share." –Malachi
Malachi wears a Levi’s Jacket, Ralph Lauren Striped Shirt, and Leuchtfeuer Strickwaren Beenie.
- "A good friend is someone who can be kind, and share, and be loving, and be thoughtful and do nice things for other people." –Lydia
- "Lucky fins are awesome. It's adorable and sweet and cuddly and with my lucky fin I can fist bump!" –Lydia
Lydia wears a Tambere Cotton Balloon Sleeve Tee, Mummymoon Moon Pant, Misha and Puff Scarf, and Dansko Chelsea Boot.
"My favorite things are swinging on the tire swing with my brother and sister, and swimming like a mermaid." –Sohpie
Sohpie wears a Polder Cross Combi Jumpsuit and Elephantito Loafers.
- “Brayden wants to do everything his big brothers do! It's amazing the (usually simple) accommodations that can be made." –Brayden's mom, Amie
Brayden wears Barn of Monkeys Striped Trousers, Repose AMS Knit Sweater, and Dr. Martens Boots.
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This is so Amazing! I have a daughter with down syndrome who wants to take ballet, and I have had a difficult time finding a studio that will include my child. It is so sad :( Thank you for bringing awareness for inclusion of all children with disabilities.