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Written by Erin Feher

We are living in the golden age of kids books. This year, dozens of quality titles were released every single month, and so many of them included a rich expression of diversity. That’s why making our own winnowed down “best of” list when it comes to kids books seemed like an impossible endeavor. So, instead, we compiled a ‘best of the best of’ list—a compilation a bunch of notable 2019 roundups from the likes of some of our favorites—including Little Feminist Book Club, Here Wee Read, Read Brightly, The New York Times, and The Smithsonian—all in one place! The result? More than 60 titles that made libraries across the country a little better this year. Click through to see them all. And let us know in the comments below if we left out any of your family’s personal favorites!

For more stellar kids’ book roundups, check out 10 books that celebrate Muslim faith & culture30 black history books for kids, 25 books about (and by) Native Americans, 35+ books with strong female characters, kids’ books that spotlight LGBTQ+ charactersgreat options to give as giftstitles that boost self-esteem and empathy, and 20 awesome picture books without words.

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